Equipment/reviews category

I have a Krooked board that’s 9.75ish and my ‘daily’ (weekly if lucky) is 8.5 so I can appreciate that.

I look forward to some footage!

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I got a little phone tripod as well, just need a dry spell to get out and use it all


I wondered if the squeaking noise was just me doing shonky smith grinds! Weather looks good this weekend, so fingers crossed for some kerb bothering tomorrow. Have tried the Spitfires and the other Bones ATF wheels, both were really good. Likely to go back to whatever crosses my path first out of those two after I’m done with these. They’re good, but not sure they’re THAT good.

Blender makes a thing. I buy the thing.


It’s fair to say Ace trucks turn completely differently to Indys.

Sold out already?!

Highly considering giving that thing called skateboarding a go again after nearly 2 years of thinking about doing it instead of doing it.

Anybody had one of the Atlantic Drift boards and able to advise what sort of shape they are like?


Saw this and thought of your post

(Source - Slap forum - Crail Bolts Looking To Change The Game)

Not sure if they’d work or not. Just looking at some Indy X cast baseplates of mine from 10 years back and the holes are slightly stretched out, but nothing serious.


Would definitely try these, used to rinse through baseplates

Can’t say I’ve ever noticed I’ve wrecked a baseplate like that

Will also probably not work with that new deck I’m getting as it’s 4 plies so would probably run out of thread and have useless rattly trucks

Those bolts are as dumb as grind king rims. Threads on bolts aren’t causing that issue, soft shit metal is.

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I have my suspicions that this is the correct answer :grin:

The gripe my dad always had about skate products in general. Always used to call them “chocolate bolts/tools/axles etc”. Used to wind me up but having handled proper tools and high quality engineered truck and car parts, even in terms of cost skate-specific stuff is phenomenally shit.

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Trucks are aluminium for reasons of weight though, surely. It’s not “shit metal”.

Aluminium can be high or low quality in and of itself though.

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Yeah, but it’s softer than steel bolts, so if they get loose and the baseplate is moving about then it’s going to start enlarging the holes.

Definitely agree about skate tools etc being utterly shite, though.

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My Instafeed seems to be non-stop ‘mature’ skateboarders in car parks on Heroin Eggs at the mo.


I remember the Frankie hill bulldog board dropping and thinking “why is this new board such an old fashioned shape?”

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Prof schmitt tears down Ben’s board. Some interesting stuff in here, about skateboard rocker and straight trucks