Yeah man, my mate still distributes those among other things and I usually get the older ones for mad cheap or even for free. Generator wood, fuck yeah. I usually get the team boards that have a coloured bottom ply and tart them up with stickers.
that amount of boards would last me (and I calculated it) 15 years
You have kids, I have cats and chickens.
I made the TGs last (not that hard in indoor wooden parks) but otherwise I usually skate a board for a couple months then donate it.
I’ve got an old Hockey 8.5” set up that is in decent nick. Stood on it the other day and can’t work out for the life of my how I used to like riding this thing!
Currently on a 9” Anti Hero 15” WB popsicle with Ace 66’s and some big Sabbath wheels. Bit silly tbf but it’s comfy!
Previously was riding a 8.75” Anti Hero Blue Meanie shaped board that I got bored of!
Not sure how I even started doing it. Just did and then never changed. Probably would of made life easier if I had.
Had another Polar 8.125” arrive today, same deck as I bought in Jan and just gripped this afternoon. Apart from a Real 8.28 over the New Year, I’ve ridden the Polar 8.125" consistently for about 5 or 6 decks, so a few years now. I hope they stick around as a company for much longer.
You’ll find the same BBS shape with a DLX or Magenta graphic even if they don’t stick around but I can’t see them disappearing anytime soon.
Isn’t the Real 8.28 noticeably shorter than the Polar 8.125? Does that bother you?
Not massively different length-wise, although the Polar is 32". Internet says 31.7". The wheelbase is a lot different though, 14.25 vs 14.1, which made my trucks feel too responsive on turn in. Width wasn’t an issue, I reckon I could happily go up to 8.5 as long as I can keep the weight down as I favour lightish set ups.
I didn’t hate the 8.28 but didnt get on with it too well and once I noticed too many stress cracks I gave it away. It is currently serving one of the local kids very well haha
Yeah I’ve been wondering about how this DLX 8.28 board would feel and came to the conclusion that it would be too small for me.
I skated 3 Crailtap Skidul shaped boards that were 31.625 long which was really short but it worked well with the 14 wheelbase, plus it’s a shaped board so getting used to it is part of the fun in a way.
I’m walking home in the rain with my board under my sweatshirt after a session at the Selfridges bowl. Think I’m going to order one of these. Don’t know why I’ve waited so many years to get some sort of rainproof sleeve.
That’s pretty great. Feels like a no brainer for £10.
I probably spent more than that on bin bags when catching the bus to go skate an indoor park when I was a kid.
Use mine every time I go out, well worth the £10.
Stops old ladies asking you to kickflip although twice I’ve been asked why I’ve got a hunting rifle with me…
My lucky mum now gets to post one to me.
Having spent more time on the Spitfire F4 93as… The Spitfires are definitely just harder than Dragons. I haven’t ever looked into if there is any reliable measure of durometer but having ridden them for a while now, the Spits feel basically like Bones X97 or maybe even a bit harder than that. I liked the Spits better than the Dragons when I was home in London. There I was skating some smooth ground/nice spots along with some crappy tarmac and crusty stuff and they felt like a good balance. They are alright at a concrete park too, if a bit slow compared to a proper hard wheel.
But now I’m back in the mountains in Switzerland (I live half-half), I remember why I liked the Dragons so much. They handle the weather-affected (freeze/thawed, cracked) road surfaces and spots better than the Spits, they have much more of a ‘proper’ soft wheel feel, yet still slide well and have decent rebound (though they definitely mute the pop more than the Spits). That’s probably it for my unrequested wheel nerding for now!
Are you Lawrencium? Whereabouts in Switzerland are you?
it’s literally the point of this thread and i love it
I’m not, although I was on Sidewalk Forum way back here and there. I live up in the mountains in Saastal (not very far from your profile pic!).
Nerding is good ha
Saastal! I hope you and your family did not suffer too much with the recent flooding!
I grew up in Sierre but live near Montreux now.
Where do you skate? Are there any good parks up there now? I can’t think of any off the top of my head but then again I don’t go there very often.