Equipment Thread

Is there no equipment/set up’s thread?

What y’all reppin?

I feel i need to jump board companies again. Been riding toy machine for a year and the flatness is starting to effect my brain. Otherwise really like the shape, anything similar but curvier?

Welcome Nora 8.125, Wayward 52mm, Ace Trucks.

Genuinely couldn’t give a toss what company’s board I ride as long as it isn’t Hopps, had one and didn’t get on with it. Aside from that, Bones STFs, Bones Reds and Indys. Like that’s a perfect undercarriage right there I should just close the thread now.

New board at home to set up, will post a picture when it’s set up,

Yøgurt pfanner 8.28
Krux 8.25 trucks
Bones stf 52mm
Bones super reds

Huf hupper 2.

Bones bushings as well, can’t remember what colour they are as haven’t flipped my board or even ridden it since before last November.

Generator Wood 8.25 (whatever I fancy at the time), Indy Hollows, Spitfire Formula 4 52mm and total mish mash of bearings

Familia, Indys, Oj’s, can’t remember what bearings. Want to get some Thunders soon, maybe.

Sour 8.125, Indy, Bones Swiss, Crupie 51mm

anyone riding anything below 8"? i’ve never migrated above 7.75"

I was so close to going smaller as I skated my best on a smaller board, but I was young and skated every day so who am I kidding riding a small board again.

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whilst im asking questions, anyone tried/is skating rails? i’m not really a boardslidey guy generally but could be fun

rails on a 7.75 is probably a bit pointless and unnecessary and ugly.

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fair point. was wondering if it meant you could boardslide ledges for days without going mach 10 or waxing the shit out of it

I wanted to try some out for boardslide/hurricane/feeble combinations but I feel as tho it’s cheating.

Loads of people doing them have rails,
is it frowned upon?

Palace Lucas (s’alright, feels a bit short)
Indys 139
spifire 52
no rails

Hold up ex-MAS’ers, someone’s gone rogue

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i feel to keep bumping this thread to annoy build but he’s muted it. can you tag someone in a post such that they get a notification?

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Fuck, I have rails at the mo. Haha.

tell me more. is it hilarious fun?

8’’ Isle board (I think it’s a Tom Knox board)
Thunders (raw, 147s I think)
Canal 53mm

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