I jumped from an 8.5 to a 9.75 (egg) then tried to go back. 8.5 seems tiny now and I feel more comfy on the other.
That said, I’ve retired trying flip tricks and only really do kick turns, static kerb stuff and tick tack out once a month at the mo.
I jumped from an 8.5 to a 9.75 (egg) then tried to go back. 8.5 seems tiny now and I feel more comfy on the other.
That said, I’ve retired trying flip tricks and only really do kick turns, static kerb stuff and tick tack out once a month at the mo.
Mostly ridden 7.75s since I started in the late 90s. Briefly went to 8s/8.1s around 2005ish but swiftly went back down.
Only went lower last year when I was trying to relearn fakie tres and trying to land tres as it felt so much easier to flip.
Might go back up to 7.75 as the 7.6 feels small when doing grinds and slides!
i only went from 7.7.5 to 8 because of the difficulty in finding good shaped 7.75 decks anymore. god knows how hard it must be to find decent 7.5 nowadays
i quite like 8. i can flip absolutely fine. will happily go back to 7.75 when everyone realises they’re riding doors and the fashion reverts
Wasn’t there an indoor park clip of you boosting frontside flips over a hip on here recently? How did you do that on a 9.75”??
don’t think that was doowyrag lol. I love his clips but man’s not boosting fs flips over hips ha
Really love 8.125”. Could happily drop down to 7.75” too I reckon.
Started on stuff around 9.75 / 10” though. I have a 101 Natas sockpuppet reissue and it is 9.75 or something - I learnt kickflips on a similar shape in my early teens. God knows how, mind!
that’s the kind of stuff i first skated but fuck doing tricks on those things damn!
whilst we’re in the equipment thread moaning about the history of boards, when did popsicle boards stop being symmetrical?
i distinctly remember getting some Death wood from Native and suddenly the nose didn’t match the tail and i hated it. i think i even phoned up to say there was something wrong and they were like “nah it’s all like that now”
in the 90s were all decks symmetrical and suddenly that changed in the 00s or did i just not notice because i’m unobservant?
Not guilty.
I can definitely prove it.
I remember @Deacon posting a sick frontside flip over the hip at the House, so you might be getting confused with him?
I’d love to say ‘I skate The House - that could’ve been me’. But, alas…
I don’t recall but things changed so fast - I missed late '93 to late '94 which - happy to be corrected - was football shape era?
Through '93 I was skating a lot of second hand ‘92 boards I bought off all my mates who’d quit so was defo behind the curve as I vaguely remember a few of the Liverpool lads skating 7.5”s with tight trucks by ‘93 and I couldnt stand on one. Same now - I just fall off if trucks are tight. Says a lot about my balance
I went back down to 7.75 for maybe 3 boards after skating 8.06 for a good while, then figured it was a little too small and not really making that much difference and becoming harder to find, Have been on a solid 8 for a decent amount of time now with a 14 wheelbase and a big nose which works for me.
Im feeling well popular this week - I’ve had a lot of spammy young ladies in sports / swimwear liking my clips.
Here’s an odd one. A company making decks out of recycled ocean plastic
Kape - He who shall not be named’s favourite board company iirc.
Looks like it’s made by…Germans
I love this new board tech stuff. Shame no one really takes it seriously.
My carbon fibre/wood/slick is holding up so well I am sick of the sight of it as I approach it’s 2nd birthday and might get a new one for shits and giggles, but in a different colour.
Just pop ‘Kape’ into the forum search bar and you should get three results up, all from the same guy.
There seem to be a few Euro brands into unconventional gear. We talked about Lurpiv a while back. There’s also Napalm Customs out in Finland making carbon/wood/slick composites. I think they were used by the Finnish Olympic team.