Equipment Thread

Latest mailout says they have over 1200 different decks to choose from.

Wonder how many companies that is, no wonder everything’s so fucked.

Parade used to tell you what shop you were getting the thing from, it seems like they don’t now.

Yeah it does? Maybe not on mobile or something

Hmm, didn’t with a board I just got.

It’s way more fun knowing what shop it is, because then you can get a DVD or a mag or a shop shirt or something too.

Serious question: what’s Primitive concave like? Can’t stand deep concave.

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Well, I can stand it, I just can’t seem to flip a board with it…

On a similar vibe I can only skate girl and chocolate as they so flat. Not really fussed on them these days so what’s a good equivalent?

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Just bought 2x Primitive boards from, YOLO


Just bought 2x World Peace Machine Boards from, ALSO YOLO


The compulsive idiot in me wants to buy a 10" setup for cruising about.
Eyeing up a few different ones from frog, madness n maybe one of the blind reissues.

Struggling on trucks though, indy 215s the way to go?

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I’m gagging for a new set up. Even though I’m not going to be able to skate any time soon. Thinking of going upto something about 9 inch, just in case I need to flip it again.

I’ve done this (my knee’s goosed so can’t skate ‘properly’). I mentioned earlier how I’m trying a symmetrical board, I’ve got two. One’s an original Powell Peralta Tony Hawk Pictograph with plastic Gullwings and Ratbones (i went a bit mad, everything on it’s original, even the grip, bolts and bearings, all NOS) the other’s a re-drilled reissue Double Vision (which is genuinely ugly) with stage 5 indies and Teamrider factory 2nds. The Double Vision’s just a cruiser but I’m skating the Powell, it’s beautiful. Like a really hot, thicc girl.

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Blimey, I remember my first ever board (generic Argos thing probably) that had plastic trucks. Loved that thing, but not sure I’d go back to plastic trucks so fair play to you.

I’m sure ill decide on a deck soon, unless heroins new one hits the UK soon then may wait a while to get that.

They’re legit Gullwings. I’ve got a Turbo 2 with plastic trucks because I’m off my tits but these aren’t like those, they don’t really grind down much and seem strong enough. As i say, my knee’s goosed so I’m only skating flat and ledges but I’ve had no problems. I mind when I was a kid some other kid turned up with them and all the bigger boys grabbed his board and slappied the kerb until they axled then gave him his board back, so I was expecting them to wear through. I can see now that must’ve been some fairly high-end bullying because they don’t wear down too much easier than regular trucks. I just got them because they’re much lighter on a massive setup. And because I have mental health issues.

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I recently set up a Lovenskate 8.75 egg shape and really like. It felt massive at first as I usually skate small boards (7.875 popsicles and 8.125-8.25 shaped boards) but I fucking love it. It’s perfect for skating manny pads, curbs, mellow ledges and transition. I did a kickflip and some front shuvs on it but haven’t really tried to flip it.

I got the Stevie Thompson guest board, I think they sold all of these but there’s a new one with an Elvis graphic by French on the same shape that’s out soon. It’s a bit pink for my liking but oh well.
I skate mine with 149s and F4 53 Classics, it’s lovely.

I bought a LoveNskate 9" a while back. Indy’s and 60mm bones as it was going to be my rider for stokey bowls.

Turns out that the wheels were too big couldn’t even lock a Smith on them, it was like trying to Smith on a tiny mini ramp, so had to go down to 55mm but it was still a fucking barge. Ended up giving it away, only rode it maybe a handful of times.

Great story, please tell it again etc


Yeah like rubber 1/4" ones

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Should’ve gone full 1/2s aye

Maybe thrown a lapper on as well and complained about my bearings


OK I have done it bought myself a board. I’m to old, to wobbly and to unfit but what the hell. Went with an Arbor Street Complete Skateboard Recruit Whiskey 8.5". The deck and wheel should help keep me on the board

