Equipment Thread

Hit up Powell for a forum review!


ABD. Might be getting a set to review. Watch this space…


Will take these if you’ve still got?

Yeah all yours

just got around to watching this - madness. Rog is almost crying over the wheels :smiley:

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Yeah he does go nuts about them. It’s a shame he doesn’t actually do any powerslides on them though.

Since seeing that video my YT recommendations have been chocka with similar vids. It looks as though Powell have been flowing sets to every possible kook, weirdo and YouTuber out there. To avoid ballsing up my YT for the foreseeable I’ve avoided clicking on any of them.

Slap has got a bit of a thread running discussing them - Powell dragon formula tested by nine club.

I’m hanging fire on buying a set until I see what @Spanky comes up with when he gets the ‘Forum Test’ set through, (obviously bearing in mind his much publicised love of Bones wheels :wink:). It’ll be a change for me if I do decide on getting some as I haven’t ridden Powell/Bones since the days of Crossbones and Ratbones somewhere way back in prehistory and have been on Spitfires for decades now.

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Can’t find anywhere in the UK that sells them anyway

Just had a gander on Parade Shop POWELL PERALTA - 52mm Dragon Formula V1 93A | ParadeWorld and it looks like they’re currently not available in the UK.

Hopefully that gives the guys at Spitfire time to get reverse engineering those shits.

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Maybe anyone that’s interested should give me some things to test with/on them if I’m going to review them and stick them on YouTube

Like ‘try them sliding on wood’ or whatever, maybe? @Scurbrampwoody

Anyone else?

What do you want to know?

Could be at least 1 or 2 months before I get them as they are being sent to my London address then being brought over by parents late september

Cool, cheers Spanky. Just off the top of my head, and in no particular order :

What’s the slide like? Obviously it’s not going to be the typical grabby farty soft wheel slide (or not slide) but is it controllable? Some wheels have that icy slip out feel to them but with Spits it kind of quickly ‘ramps up’ from grip to a controllable and consistent slide.

I don’t really skate parks unless they’re old relics and so I’m not bothered what they’re like on smooth concrete or wood. I’d rather know what they feel like on tarmac or crusty surfaces. Aside from the slide, do they dampen the roughness like a traditional soft wheel would? How do they affect your speed. Soft wheels tend to be faster on rough surfaces but ‘steal’ your pump and speed on smoother ones.

What do they sound like? I really like the shields off, hard wheel sound. Do the Dragons retain any of the hard wheel decibel level or are we talking silent cruising mode?

How do they affect nose/tail/blunt slides? Do they allow the slide to feel like it would on a hard wheel or am I going to have to invest heavily in rub bricks and wax? Same goes for things like crooks and slappies.

Hillbombing. I like a good hillbomb and drifting sideways is an integral part of having fun and being in control of your speed. I have got a cruiser that barely sees the light of day because straight lining hills can be hazardous to the health. If I need to speed check on that set up, I can’t because of the 85a’wheels and you get to a point where foot dragging is out of the question. So, how fast are they downhill? Are they slidey enough to not worry about getting pitched? When you do slide them do you actually slow down at all? Are they grippy enough to be able to turn without fear of slipping out? Is the grip or slip consistent?

Feel free to chip in anyone and everyone else.

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How they slide on waxy ledges, how they slide on non-waxey ledges, powerslides

Will they still allow me to push very slowly on flat ground timidly trying mobbed flip tricks?


A lot of these requests are above my pay grade but I’ll try


I’d like to know whether they keep speed on crusty transition like ROM or Harrow, whether reverts work, what power slides are like and whether they stick on nose/tail slides.


Can you win a game of skate on them at Meanwhile


How long can they sit in the boot of a car on a cobwebby board?


How do they perform when you wear cariumas specifically?


Do they grip well on slippy indoor wood?

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It’s on!

Getting them sent over next week


No wonder I had trouble finding them, I was always searching for them as ‘Bones’ but for some reason they’re being sold under the Powell Peralta banner. Weird, I thought they’d be marketing them as a bones product

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