Fantasy Football

Yup fucked it this week

An all time low this week.

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Second game I’ve left Doucoure on the bench :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I had an absolute stinker this week!

MOTW: Sam Hutchinson with 76 points!

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So because Haaland wasn’t in the match day squad he automatically got transferred out for our highest scoring sub?


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Isn’t it based on the order you put them in on the bench as to which one comes in?

(Whilst sticking to their formation rules - at least 3 defenders, 2 mids and one forward…)

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I’ve absolutely no idea. I’d accepted taking the L for Haaland so anything is a bonus really.

I had Rays as my VC with Salah and Son in my team. 13/14 points dropped by being a fucking idiot.

To make matters worse, I just remembered I played my Bench Boost chip this week :sweat_smile:


An unreal Saturday for Sparks FC

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Gameweek 17

MOTW: SPARKS FC’S Jonny Hunter with a whopping 78 points!


Wildcard went my way thankfully

Last chance to use first wildcard if you haven’t already :+1:

Apologies for the hiatus. I went into full slug mode over Christmas/New Years and missed making changes to my team for a couple of game weeks.

Anyway, we go again!

Gameweek 20

Manager of the Week: Rich Westby with 91 points.

Johnny Hunter in the top spot on 1137 points.


Activated my wildcard for this half of the season then completely forgot to make any changes. Doh

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And we’re back!

GW 21

Manager of the Week: Niall Behan’s KNACKERED LADS with 81.

Jonny Hunter still in top place with 1202 points!

Getting interesting now with all the injuries and AFCON!


Subbed Gordon for Gibbs White, one missed the game and is now injured, the other scored vs City. No prizes for guessing which is which…


with a -12 as well. Ballsy

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Had to get rid of Salah and Son, Haaland and KDB in next week :muscle::muscle:

Gameweek 22:

Joint Manger of the Week: James Greenfield and Joe Burwell each with 71 points!