Film Thread

New June trailer.
Looks like they’ve completely written out the Terry character mind.


It looks very similar to the old film, and I hope it’s not just a shot for shot remake.

I’ve never got round to reading the book but I believe this is a more accurate portrayal of the hand in a box scene…

I’ve never read the book and never seen the previous film. But Villeneuve’s made 2 of my all time fave films so really hyped to see what he does this with

Anyone seen The Devil All The Time yet?

I loved it, really gritty and nasty but very powerful. Robert Pattinson can fucking act.

I feel like they tried to cram a bit too much in but still really enjoyed it. Def worth a watch if you like that sort of southern gothic vibe.

Haven’t seen it yet, but I’m at the point now, post Goodtime and The Lighthouse, that I’ll watch anything with Pattinson in.

I watched Cosmopolis the other night, weird film, but it definitely signified what direction he was trying to move in.

Just watched this. Feel stressed now. Really good though.

Wondered how they knew about Coronavirus in 2004, but nope, Borat is still a thing in America.

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New film out Borat 2, on Amazon Prime. Looks shit but I wasn’t a massive fan to start with.

I just watched The Commune and quite liked it. It’s not as good as Festen but still good. Copenhagen in the 70s looks great.

If you’re stuck at home and like movies set in Scandinavia, watch Midnattssol. I don’t know much about series but really liked it.

New Borat is out today and I was all what’s it going to be £5? £15? Surprised to see it’s on Prime so, free of charge.

Can’t watch Borat, just makes me cringe. And not in a ‘The Office’ way.

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Yep, loved it. I think I’ll watch it again soon.

Has someone already posted this?

Says release date October 2021, fuck sake

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Borat 2 got a couple of laughs but it’s generally very shit and very stupid.

You definitely don’t need to watch it.

2 Hugo stars out of 5

Is I’m thinking of ending things a horror?

I’m about half way through it, having deliberately not googled what it was about. I’m really struggling with it, it’s unnerving and it’s giving me a weird vibe like something horrible could happen at any moment.

Keep going. I want to hear what you think at the end

The end was the only good bit. The scripted bits were super tedious and the ‘victims’ were nothing like what he managed on TV. Nobody really cared or got annoyed.

It was so heavily edited it was clear that everyone seemed to either wise up instantly or be in on it from the start except Guiliani.


The 2 rednecks banging on about the Q anon stuff then calling his book a conspiracy was great.

It was never going to be anything like the original could reach, but did have plenty of moments that pushed those buttons that exposes how backwards America can be.