Forum Trick of The Week - Get Involved

As long as the first trick is not switch backside 5-0 revert then then we’re all good.

At eating and drinking and making excuses.

Don’t expect big things.

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This sounds pretty fun! I’m in.

Let’s start with kinda basic tricks to get the ball rolling.
It goes without saying but this should be about having fun together, not some kind of competition.

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Should we allow different terrains? Say if someone posts a flatground pop shuv-it, just so we don’t get 20 of the same on flat, people can do them off a ledge, down steps, over a hip, gap, over a matchbox etc etc. As long as the nature of the trick does not change i.e. to fakie etc

I think we should do it on similar terrain if we have to vote for our favourite so we’re all in the same boat.

Ok, I have some questions.

Can it be any trick on a reasonable obstacle such as ledge, manny pad, quaterpipe, flat ground?

And if someone sets a flatground trick and we want to be billy big bollocks can we do it down some stairs or off a ledge or off a kicker or something?

I don’t want rules but it might make it more rad.

Ok same as my question I vote yes.

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If someone sets a trick down 5 stairs, you can do it down 3, or if a trick is set on a ledge, you can do it on a curb, that’s cool. Doing a trick set on flatground down the London Bridge stairs would be a bit too Olympian though.

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Would be cool to mix it up a little bit, for example i suck at transition and if someone does a front Smith, I would rather try it on transition than on a ledge which I’m comfortable with.

I don’t think we’re voting for favourites are we? I thought the person who set it just picks someone?

Oh I got it wrong. Sorry.

Having to do it on similar terrain means we’ll have to learn shit, doing it on different terrains means we can get more creative or have more fun. Both are cool in my book.

I think it would be better if the setter picks the winner and so on personally. And yeah, obstacle needs to be similar ish to not change the nature of the trick. So flat land and london bridge are essentially the same, that’s up to the poster.

This is against the rules in my opinion. These would be my guidelines.

Flip tricks or flat tricks are set on flat.
Ledge tricks are filmed on a curb or ledge.
Flat bar tricks set on flat bar.
Transition tricks set on a transition.

No handrails or stairs or down ledges or over hip tricks when setting.
All can be done when replying with your trick.

Ok, cool. Let’s not be too strict. :smile:

Yeah hugo those guidelines are great.

Yeah, the set has to be a very unspecific version of the trick, the replier does whatever they feel with it.

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This. If someone sets a laser flip on flat, I’m doing it down el-toro, because I’m really gnarly.

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That’s what I would lean towards, leave it open to interpretation.