Forum Trick of The Week - Get Involved

did one from iPhone yesterday, not sure about android but would assume so

can confirm upload from android

Submit your trick of the week.

With a poll, be funny!

I’m on my way out the door now, give me a couple of hours and I shall have produced some stink.

Not skated in 6 months.


Hurry up Hugo, tonight’s my only skate night :wink:

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I bet it’s a heelflip. Done one in my whole life.


Heelflips are the trick of the gods

So wait, I’m not meant to like hugos kick flip on principle?

There is a new thread for my 2mph trick of the week


Chill out Daewon

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I need an adult - are we only liking the favourite or does Hugo pick the favourite?

Hugo picks

Otherwise people who post their ‘reply’ first will obviously have more time to get likes

Spanky, I didn’t go too fast because I didn’t want to make you look even slower :laughing:.


I fucking already did one with a pram man! How long we got to do this.

Thursday next week.

I’ll pick the next person soon so they have time to get one up before next Friday.

Unless the next person wants to do it this Friday?