I feel like this deserves its own thread really.
Full length UK videos with largely under appreciated skaters are rare and therefore noteworthy.
Marcus Palmer is a nutter.
Also - major knuckles for the spot hunting going on
Are any of the people on this video actually making any money from skating?
Fucking insane level going on.
So cool to see a full George Worthington part, haven’t seen him for years but used to skate with him nearly every day back in Derby. He’s a legend and a lovely bloke with a nice chill floaty style. This made me happy.
Buzzing to watch this, some of the stuff they’ve been doing I’ve been getting told about the last year or so has been mind-blowing enough without having seen the footy
Very clever Penny reference at 31:53 in Jason’s part (followed by TP himself)
It’s the best UK video I’ve seen in years. So much in there.
I also love that they have hamstrung their broader UK marketability and sales to such an extent by sticking with the Leicester ‘brand’. Keeping it local, DIY and underground. Legends.
Loved that. And also impossible.
Chill - Cover Version
That’s 2, (nearly 3) years old now
lots of Brum & Black Country spots (many of which are more or less virgin territory - for good reason) destroyed
Was it not last year? What Iv watched is sick, but that vid was LAF level
Yeah good vid…not meaning to overlook any other vids I just prefer stuff like this that emerges from a scene. Best uk scene vid I should have said
I bagged BGPs in a clip in this. Stoked!
Very very good. An ollie into the bank at the start of Marcus’ part is gnarly enough let alone a tre. Absolutely bonkers.
Might of been overlooked but KV’s Nollie BS flip over the pyramid thing at the old Central TV spot is impossible. Very quick feet and good ducking skills to do that!
So good. Music was great too, felt so proper. Roll-aways were a bit long though. Could have snipped those a bit quite often.
Really good. Made me want to skate