Gone Skateboarding?

Use this thread if any of you get a random itch to actually go skateboarding for once.

Any Londoners want to go out tomorrow? I’ve been told I need to get out of the house as the Mrs hasn’t had the place to herself since lockdown. Fair play, might as well try a skate.

Good thread. Usually down in London most weeks but now haven’t been for 6 months. If anyone’s in east anglia I’m usually up for a roll

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Will be at the new park in watford on Sunday. Would be out in London tomorrow but have to finish off resurfacing the pioneer mini ramp instead.
Have a good one

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Have good memories of that ramp. Enjoy.

Hey mods maybe it’s worth having a category for skate meetups and a thread for various regions. Might encourage us all to get out for some fresh air.


If anyone’s in 'Ull shout me up. I can’t actually skate but I like rolling around failing to kickflip.

I totally and truthfully went skateboarding this morning. Not even that sore.


Good idea

I’ve created a ‘Regional Meet-Ups’ category. I suppose under that we’ll have ‘London’, ‘South England’, ‘SW England’, SE England’, ‘Wales’ etc etc, but what categories do you peeps want?

Any Sheffielders on here?


oxford ish?


Anyone in Worcestershire/Birmingham?

This is what I ended up doing in the end.

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@niallc when you wanna shred

Went out skating today and left my hat at home, which meant my hair was over my eyes most of the time. Bah.

Sheffielder here! Only skate about three-four times a year but would be well keen for a roll.
The House/Millhouses/Street. (don’t tell anyone but i’ve never actually skated Devonshire Green).


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Slough/Windsor/Maidenhead area here most Wednesdays/Thursday

There are a few of us who skate The House (mini house on a Thursday evening is a regular one) and the curb spot at Virgin fairly regularly (again mainly evenings). Feel free to DM if you fancy a roll at some point.

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anyone near sunderland/newcastle/seaham etc hmu

Will do

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I like that Windsor Park that had the rubbish metal obstacles but also has the lovely long concrete ledge