Gone Skateboarding?

Come on then. Don’t leave us hanging😉

Nothing that crazy mate. I did some other maneuvers on a similar obstacle in the streets some years ago and a mate asked if I could do a nosewheelie to nosewheelie, it sounded scary and I never tried it. Gave it a crack at my local park this morning, tried it about 10 times, landed it 3 times. Nothing wild but it felt good, especially as it came out of nowhere.


That’s sick, always wanted to have a crack at one of them. Any tips? Is it a case of holding the manny through the drop or is it more like popping into a second one?

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Love it!

if you’re going fast enough to clear your back truck of the end of the drop then you can just hold the nose manual through it. if you pop a little nollie it makes the whole thing wildly difficult i find

Thanks mate.

I did really mellow nollies into the second nosehweelies, that’s how I felt like doing it, it happened pretty organically. What surprised me was that keeping my balance (for the second nosewheelie) was easier than I thought it would be. To be honest, it’s one of those rare moves that’s easier in real life than in your head. Or maybe I just got lucky.

Give it a crack!


Cheers both will have a play and see what works. That obstacle looks perfect for it - drop off height looks spot on and same surface which seems important to me, probably all in the mind though.

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Yeah I didn’t want to try that on that other vaguely similar spot I mentioned earlier as that one is in a car park that has kinda rough asphalt and is full of pebbles. Already ate shit there enough times and this is definitely not the trick for that spot.

Those new obstacles at my local park are great. I put a lot of time and effort into getting this part of the park refurbished and while some things could have been done better, the thing as a whole is pretty cool.

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There was a jam at my local today and I turned up as it ended :joy:

Had a load on today and couldn’t get there until the ending open session but had a good laugh though and my knee is better than it was but my ribs aren’t great. They’ll take a while to get better though, so I think I’ll fight through the pain and hopefully not slam in the same way.


Is anyone here thinking of going to this? Edit - or actually going.

Im going.

A bunch of us are getting an air b n b in Bristol.

It also happens to be on my 49th birthday.


Nice one! Happy Birthday! I’ve put it in the calendar so I will see, just Spit for me if I end up going though.

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Rolled around on this tonight l, I’m such a pussy now, no commitment to anything remotely difficult.

Can’t do blunt fakies anymore, legs are fucked but had fun.


Might go to the Spit portion of the day!


Cambridge tomorrow night for the over 30s session

Still injured but got a nice crew going so be happy watching if I can’t do much


Holy shit that looks absolutely perfect.

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2 hours tonight, almost constant too. At 47 thats some sort of fucking miracle really as I’m no spring chicken. Good session too despite my ribs and knee still being a little off after the slams a couple of weeks back. Tried to help a yoot with heelflips.

Nice! I’ll likely make my mind up on the morning itself as 2h 45m is a bit of a trek, but I’ve wanted to come and skate Spit for ages and this is as good an excuse as any.


haha that Terrence?

Say what’s up from me next time you see that bastard


This looks fucking dreamy where is it?

20mins outside Oxford, @Mark first time I’ve met him, well funny!