Gone Skateboarding?

Awesome! Summertime seagull noises too.

I have my skate slot booked for Saturday in between dad jobs so a solo mission to ‘my’ spot with the obstacles is go.


Haven’t done one of these for aaaaages. It’s not a really shit boardslide by the way, it’s a really shit wallie…honest. But it’s a start!


This weekend has the last sunny days for a while looking at the forecast…Mother’s Day tomorrow and today I’ve got a hangover. Here’s hoping it goes before this evening. Get a skate in if you can!


Spent a couple of hours mowing the lawn (shit lawnmower!) and am now knackered. Today didn’t work out to plan so I reckon a quick snooze the pop out later should be good.

Not sure if this counts.


Got a couple of hours in at the spot. Had a good chat with the “security” bloke, not security but knows the owner of the business.

Took one to the shin. Can’t remember shins swelling like they do nowadays but that’s being ‘old’ I guess. Slowly getting basic tricks back. Frontside 5-0’s are still evading me - haven’t got the guts to lean back anymore :expressionless:


I love skating and really regret the odd gaps in my life where I couldn’t/didn’t skate for one reason or another - life, kids, career and so on.


Iv had a lot of skates like this. They don’t count do they.


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Get some TCP on that @franc :smile:

had a half day so got an hour in at the “local” - i use local loosely as despite it being 5 minutes from my house i rarely go there. used to spend a lot of time there when it first opened (2010 onwards) but there was never really if any skate scene in my town and whilst the bmxers kept the place in good check, most of them stopped and it kinda ended up just a shithead place to hang out, still fun for the occasional session if it’s empty.

when it opened i wanna say a bunch of the darlo lot came up for it thought the only names i can remember were mike foreman and paul regan. brought a bunch of mischief shit with them, tees, dvd’s etc to give away which was probably over the top given only 2 of us were skating that day but hey got a couple free tees and northbound on dvd. lost the tees over the years but still got the dvd.

anyway pulled this random one out, probably a bit gash in a skatepark setting and more than likely falls into the illegal tricks tier but might be cool if i can find a street spot applicable for it.


Nice one!

Decent local if the ground is not a cheese grater. A ledge, a few transitions, enough to have fun I reckon.


Ah shit you didcomply


That was sick!


:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


@niallc I said I’d come over your way one evening when the clocks change, fancy it soon?

Yep yep yep

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Half term next week as well? Could do Monday or Tuesday I reckon

Or meet in between if there’s a decent park with lights maybe :wink:

I’m away all next week but off the week after that, happy to go halfway.

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Took daughter out for a skate earlier, had fun. Managed to strain my groin by doing the splits without wanting to do the splits. Starting to get sore now haha.

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