In the news thread

it’s a civil prosecution in the states so it’s really only likely to cost him (i.e us) money rather than him getting sent down or anything

Coogan as you know who… Blimey

The guy from Rent-a-ghost?

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Yeah, Timothy Claypole! It’s overdue a gritty reboot.

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Correct. He’s playing him in a thing they’re filming at the moment

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A to muthafukkin’ BP.

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Looks like Rutger Hauer

Yeah I should have credited

Actually just noticed you commented on the original post about it. Ha. Must be a busy time.

Cover versions of forum posts the new thing.


It occurred to me that Brexiters and Remainers will probably end up in the history books like bloody roundheads and cavaliers. How shite.


Obviously NK=boo hiss but there is something ace about this. It’s like an out take from a future Bond film.

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“You brought a fucking brick to a drone fight?”

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I wonder how they’d fair with bricks that aren’t made in North Korea.


When I travelled round Cuba I stayed in locals spare bedrooms and ate tea with them. They’d have the government controlled news on the telly showing similar war exercises on. It was like watching an episode of Dads Army but the locals lapped it up.

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“trashed by sex waste” would be a good name for a band.

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Tory MP knifed. I wonder if it’s a terror attack or a ‘revenge’ attack by someone who has lost family to covid, with the damning reports just coming out or one of the many other things the Tories have done lately?

He was in Brass Eye, drugs episode.



Made up Drug called Cake.

Not saying he asked for this … but, I can see this kind of physical backlash happening as nothing seems to get the message across to the Tories that everyone who doesn’t earn bucks is fucked.