In the news thread

they’ve already been systematically doing it for decades anyway

Yeah, “ground invasion” brings a lot more imagery to mind though. I know they constantly do it, I’m just predicting they use this recent escalation as an excuse to do what they’ve always wanted to do.

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oh yeah 1000% i get you. they’ve blatantly been waiting for the slightest hint of a pretence to do this for a long time

so if anyone couldn’t be bothered to read that - the UN won’t release a statement about this fucked up situation because they can’t reach a consensus (because some members of the UN back Israel). it’s going to be the same story if/when they decide to take any actual action - members of the UN back Israel and therefore won’t want anything to happen. or there’ll be a token slap on the wrist for what is likely to become one of the worst atrocities in years


in other news, DUP have succeeded in electing their creationist leader, making them even more irrelevant than they already were. which is quite impressive if you think about it


Israel have just targeted Al Jazeera’s and Associated Press’ Gaza offices in an air strike:

The building was evacuated, but fucking hell. English stream:

Yeah fucking hell.

There was footage of a call being received as the building got flattened (not this building) yesterday. Can’t see the advance warnings lasting past the weekend.

Huge demo in Leeds today, amazed by the response, it was pissing it down so heavy too and the turnout was still belter


Also mid speeches someone announced about the Al Jazeera building attack- we assembled outside the BBC building and there was a chant of ‘BBC shame on you, Al Jazeera is better too’ haha

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Awesome. Seen loads of pictures online of Jews coming out against Israels actions. Need more of that but you know it’ll be the younger, nicer generations not the old crusty cunts

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Yeah for the first time I’ve seen lots of Israeli and Jewish artists speaking out against the conflict who would usually be silent on these matters which is really encouraging

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Great petition and very important considering we’re a massive trade partner in arms dealings with Israel


Just a stupid meme thing but this is what it kind of feels like right now. A lot of people who normally don’t give a fuck are finally giving a fuck. It’ll be forgotten in a week but maybe it’s a seed, who knows. News cycle is fast

It’s been a weird year for social movements though. It feels like there’s massive progress in getting people on board with at least realising the social injustices and inequalities that exist everywhere. Surely that in itself is a small victory for humanity. The younger generations seem much much less cunty and selfish than the ones that went before

Edit - to add, I have never seen Jewish people, en masse, calling out Israel for its bullshit

I wouldn’t say it’s as binary as that. Many (most?) older Jews I’ve met are wonderful, loving, thoughtful, worldly people. But perhaps that’s an observational bias… I don’t exactly know any Zionists.

Much like how, unfortunately, in recent years many people tarred all/most Muslims with the same brush after some obvious events committed by a radical minority, the vast majority of Jews are probably embarrassed and ashamed of these events.Certainly those outside of Israel anyway. I hope!

The lurch to the far-right by Israeli government and the electorate is a relatively recent affair and is bolstered by a whole host of contemporary complications like the Arab Spring, instability/drought in Eritrea, Somalia and surrounding countries (vast numbers of refugees fled to Israel in the last few years). But the predominant reason is linked to the second Palestinian Intifada in 2000. Polls show the largest demographic of right-wing voters in Israel is in fact amongst those who came of age during that time (those now in 30s - 40s).

Regarding recent events, again, it’s not to be simplified, but I would say Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to capitalise on this moment and finally form a government - which for the last two years he’s failed to do, and so I would imagine him looking tough right now will presumably capture the right-leaning vote needed to secure a majority in the next round of elections.

One of the other reason postulated to account for this response is that with the new American administration, Israel wants to look like it can ‘go it alone’, now that it doesn’t have Trump so explicitly by its side providing unfettered support. Yes it obviously still needs the US as an ally, but analysts seem to infer that this moment is another statement by the Israelis as if to say they are perfectly able to defend themselves. For example, see the recent operations they carried out on Iranian ships carrying cargo (weapons) to Syria.

Obviously there are many other elements to this mess, but Israel is seeing itself increasingly backed into a corner from all sides.

I’m obviously not justifying anything, and my sympathies most clearly lie with Palestine, but it’s just worth trying to understand what’s going on from other side too.


Oh dude no 100%. Great post. Please don’t think I’m excusing anything Palestine or hamas have done here. The world is never black and white like that. I said before I have some Jewish family and they are the loveliest people you could ever meet but I know they support this state of Israel that has unfortunately turned more and more facist. I don’t know shit but I like to read and (obviously) I like to talk. Recent events just give me a little hope that your average man on the street is now slightly less selfish, slightly more aware about race issues (be they Black, Arab, whatever). That’s a start no? An embryo of change


Absolutely and I know you didn’t really think of it in those black and white terms either, I’m just conscious that repercussions of this will be that innocent Jews here in Europe or the US will get targeted.

Fuck didn’t even think of that. Happens every time there’s a terrorist attack on the West, happened to Asians after covid-19, of course its gonna happen to Jews as well. Man we’re such a shitty species

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There’s some messed up stuff going on out there at the moment.