In the news thread

Developers still need councils to hand over the plot of land / pile of smouldering ashes.


Local planning departments and councils are equally shit.

No one ever seems to become too annoyed at these councils though, the apathy among people is pretty astonishing.

They do hold public consultations for these. But finding out about them is not easy and they are painful to sit through.

People see more value in Tweeting about how appalled they are by a Bad Thing than actually getting involved to prevent the Bad Thing.

Like how it’s seemingly acceptable to not vote because you ‘hate the government anyway’ or whatever the fuck. People who don’t pay attention to politics because they think ‘it’ doesn’t affect them… People want to go all in nowadays, rather than being able to like bits of one thing and bits of another.

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My Mrs works in local planning (currently in Forward Planning, about to move to Strategic, done time in Development Management). While there’s definitely some dodgy shit goes on higher up, the actual people doing the job are just doing the best they can while being hamstrung by central government rules and a website that’s simultaneously supposed to be the catch-all central communication point and doesn’t fucking work. But the Web team are in an equally shit position. There are some shit heads, but in ours at least they’re in the minority.

Controversial viewpoint apparently, but I like the idea of more people living in the city centres. It works in Paris/Barcelona/New York etc… just much less common in the U.K.


I’m all for it too. It’s inevitable anyway, now that everybody’s fully used to work from home and shopping online.

It was fucking sick being in amongst it for 2 years. Hard to smack it every day.

I like to be just outside of a city. I had my chance to try and live in London before, but I ended up on a trip that was basically me living there for just over a week or so I think it was…I’m so glad I never did it 'cause I was so over it after a few days, too much for the P Brain 'nam saying?

Same for Barca when I spent a week there two years ago.

Me too.


Not to sound picky, but a week in a place is nothing like living there.

It takes a long while to find your groove in a city like London if you didn’t grow up here.


V. Good.


Dodgy Dave gonna dodge.

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I think we should all refer to him by his proper nickname, Pig Shagger!


Same here, I reckon it’s because we both grew up in a pleasant, quiet place literally perfect for commuting. Best of both worlds. I’m quite sentimental about it so really struggled living in London for so long. Where I am now is the perfect compromise. Couldn’t go back to city living, unless I got totally minted and got a crash pad or something!

Same. London is brilliant to visit but Im perfectly happy sitting on a train for 45 minutes to get there so I don’t live in it


so fucked up. i’m assuming Western governments will continue say absolutely nothing

I have a feeling we’re going to be reading a lot about ethnic cleansing soon.