In the news thread

Hell yeah, screw that guy. Been a bit desensitized to anger from all the madness recently but reading his tweets really boiled my piss.

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Meh, dudes a nobody. He’ll be forgotten about in a day or two. Except for when his next employer searches his name and rejects him instantly. Bet he just spends the rest of his life making memes, basically what he was doing anyway.




Comes across a lot more like an out-his-depth substitute teacher than a potential leader of a country.

This kind of shit doesn’t help…

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The tories love and fuel the in fighting.

Yeah. Most people seem to want some sort of entertainment from their leaders now, depressingly.

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It’ll happen to any opposition. Turn the people against them, make the people think they have their own opinion about someone. Happened to Corbyn, he was perfect for us normal folk but no, they planted the idea that he wasn’t strong enough to lead, too weak etc. No one really had a basis for that opinion apart from being told by the media. Yeah, he didn’t rise to argument, he held back in many ways, didn’t help the cause but his ideals were in line with benefitting us all. And if all else fails, brand them racist or sex pest sympathiser.

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Maybe but he didn’t have a chance. You can always employ a savvy assisstant. It’s his policies that are important, not that he can handle himself in the room.
Policies affect us, not the politics behind closed doors

I sort of agree but that was his response to the shit thrown at him. It shouldn’t have even gotten to that stage but yeah, he didn’t help himself. His morals and decorum were his downfall, which is really sad in my eyes.
His manifesto looks life a fucking dream right now.

I get ya but put against the mistakes that the tories have done since, do you not think that he could have overcome that if given the chance?
Corbyn is the coulda shoulda woulda green grass in hindsight, just like Remain.
If people judge on what has happened since vs what Corbyn was lynched for. No fucking contest, ha.

You’re right. You can’t educate pork.


Yep. I do wish he threw his toys out of the pram and kicked off. Maybe people wold sit up and think “hold on? who is this guy?”

Or maybe people are pissed off that he makes no attempt to represent their politics? He stands for basically nothing and is literally trying to purge the left wing from his party as we speak. I get Mick’s sentiment that maybe a true left winger is not electable right now but I don’t see why people should just put up and stop complaining that they have no one to represent them at the moment.

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Looking at my twitter feed right now this is an understatement.

Don’t think this civil war is going to end anytime soon.

The super left had 5 years and it didn’t work. It would’ve been great if it did but we need an opposition that could win a general election. The Owen Jones set would rather Tories stayed in power which I can’t get my head around at all.

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I think a centrist Labour beating the Tories in the next election is all we can possibly hope for but I’m not very optimistic as there just doesn’t seem to be any real appetite to get rid of this shower of a government.


Pretty good summary from Phil here who isn’t Keir’s biggest fan. Sort of guessing at the strategy Labour are going for and it makes sense to me.

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I give up.

I’ve said it a few times here in the last year or two but a centrist Labour is our only hope. Labour’s left are rabid nut cases who are unelectable and spend their entire time fighting within the party. JC’s worst crime was legitimising and empowering them. He set Labour back a long way