In the news thread

This sort of thing just confirms that this government are just making it up as they go along; there’s no long term plan, it’s just muddling through from one cock up to the next.


It’s all the E.U’s fault that we can’t have E.U privileges while not being a part of the E.U! Stupid E.U!


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Brian of the highest.

Allsopp has obviously never had to walk home alone in the dark as a woman.

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Whoever operates Katie Hopkins must be planning on retiring her. Kirsty Allsop being the new one, getting warmed up.


I’m glad Warwick’s not here at this point.

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Why the fuck are they still protesting lockdown measures? I really don’t get it.

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My guts are still all punched in after reading Sarah Everard’s mums impact statement last night. Horrific.

Don’t want to give any attention to anyone other than to Sarah and her family over this.


Got into it with some people defending Bob Moran there. Blocked half of them. Jesus fuck, once some total idiot has got an idea in their head they really run with it.

Who knew social media could be so toxic!

Same here, it’s a case that will stick in the minds of many for some time I think. I’m glad he’ll never be released as that’s about as good an outcome as could be expected.

Damn , he was in his car .

** checks equipment thread **

You and your big mouth.

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I think this is the quick timeline on this.

Pre referendum Theresa May asks how can you have 2 sides of an invisible border with different customs alignment. Good question.

The next 4/5 years. Ermm… alternative solutions?

Eventually Boris Johnson caves because reality catches up with him and NI effectively remains in the EU.

Ian Twatty Arsehole’s solution after all this? Write down a letter saying for the EU to just trust us that we won’t become a smugglers paradise.

And he says the EU is being difficult on purpose after we decided to become a 3rd country.

I couldn’t hate these people any more. I’m at max.


El Salvador’s bitcoin-mining volcano has mined it’s first bitcoins.


It doesn’t even start downloading, let alone work. Scot Gov gave a Danish developer £600,000 to make this. Since obviously nobody in Scotland knows how to work a computer.

That really is ‘extraordinary guidance’.


She is a disgrace.

EDIT: I know Cressida (lol) is not personally responsible for statements like the above and I’m not planning on walking the Twitter path of blame -insert head of whatever- for institutional failings but she really is poor.
She should’ve been gone after the Brazilian electrician was shot on the tube tbh


I feel like this is about the 5th time there’s been a national call for her to resign.