In the news thread

It was over £10 last time I checked
Think I dipped out at about £6-7 a pack

Last time I bought a pack of Marlboros in a Smith’s in a train station it was like 16 quid. So I quit

Average price of 20 cigs was £11 before today. Oh and don’t you only get like 19 in a 20 pack too?

Fuck Iv got 8 packets of Drum from Malta.

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No. Not if you buy them from a proper shop.

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I only buy them from the Sainsbury’s local next to my house, they’re legit, right? Deffo said something about not even being 20 in there these days once, when chatting to the girl in there, I’ve never counted.

I think 19 in a 20 box was pub fag machines?

16 in a 20 box was pub machines for me.

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Pall Mall though, so only affects pensioners.

Remember Royals? When they tried to sell 25-packs?

edit: Reduced the number of cigarettes from 19 to 20? Is this article reliable?


Just opened a 20 pack and counted, 20 in there, haha. What the fuck was the Sainsbury’s girl going on about? Fake news everywhere!


You can’t buy 10 cig packs in Estonia :frowning:

But a pack of 20 is under 5EUR anyway

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You can’t buy 10 here either can you?

How much is 50g of Golden V these days?

Hey @Chopper you work in film, right? What’s your take on the Rust/Baldwin situation/accident?

Not for yeeeeears.

Is there more than one take? It wasn’t an accident no?

Fond memories of working in Poland and getting 20 boxes of Marlborough Gold that were an inch longer than normal fags for about £2.50. You could smoke like someone in a film where they always chuck half a perfectly good fag away just….because

I meant in the sense of ‘if everything was done right, should this have ever happened’ or ‘is it common’ or ‘are there any rumours’ etc

I don’t doubt it was an accident, Alec Baldwin doesn’t really seem very murderer-y

30g pouch down here is about £16 on average.