In the news thread

Republicans don’t need to make sense because they have god on their side


And they have those almighty “thoughts and prayers” to paste over the huge holes in their ideology

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Be better to take all guns away and offer thoughts and prayers to the owners but to do that you’d need to contradict the 200 year old unchangeable document that they have actually changed to say guns are an unalienable right and thats never happening because “crime and defence” apparently

It’s literally called an ‘amendment’. Can’t they just create a new amendment which says ‘ok guys, we fucked up, no more guns’

So, you can be loaded with a kilo of sour diesel and have a boot full of enough guns and ammo to merk the whole of London, but a rape victim can’t have a termination….

Well yeah thats the point, they could if they wanted to but they’re so far down that road and would have to give all the gun lobby money back and try to disarm the millions upon millions of armed rednecks that I’m not even sure where you would start

Oslo shooting sounds savage.

Because: Gods will right?

Well put


My wife told me this afternoon that the jail term for a rape victim found to have illegally had an abortion is longer than what her rapist would receive, and that’s just the most absolutely crackers thing I’ve ever heard.


I’ve heard of rapists in America having rights to the child and getting a say in how that child is then raised… meaning that the poor person raped, now has to live with that person in their life forever, never being able to move on and the rapist now has control over certain parts of their life until the child is an adult too! That is messed up!

America, land of the brave, home of the free, now have the same reproductive rights as Russia and North Korea

(depending on state)

remember they haven’t made abortion illegal in the whole country - they’ve put it up to the state to decide. Unfortunately for the dribbling religious nut states that means outlaw

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not yet. give it 2 years

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This must be an absolute gold-mine for the Russian media at the moment.

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In New York

I feel like you may have used a loophole to get around the “skateboarding only” talk rule there


And the 29 year old probably beat many ages in the open session . Bate and divide click bate now that Muslims, single mums , BLM and similar groups are not flavour of the moment.

The age thing is probably at last as relevant as the male/female thing, which people will have their views on. 29-year-old vs 13-year-old is never going to be a fair fight.

It’s like Andy Mac in the Olympic qualifiers all over again