In the news thread

Can’t wait for Bond to get the Star Wars treatment: endless sub-par spin offs, multiverses, and films reduced to content.

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This is fucked. UK Government so addicted to snooping on people that Apple won’t be able to encrypt your data on iCloud in the future.


I’ve never ever stored my data on the cloud , I risk the hard drive storage for this exact reason. If it’s in the cloud , it’s open to anyone


Same fuck that, was involved in a data breach last year – like I had to work on the GDPR cleanup.

It’s Amazon , they’ll do worse than Disney , just look at Rings of power .

The bets in the Industry……
Q spin off
Money penny spin off
Bond before 007
Jaws back story
Felix’s own series
Then all the Bond villain back stories .

More work for the industry but absolutely going to destroy the legacy worse than Star Trek and Star Wars .


Perfect, thanks Jeff.

Yeah, it’ll be exactly that. But on the other hand I think it’s kind of had its day anyway really. I don’t blame the Broccoli family for cutting and running, they’ve timed it well.

Yeah agree. I like Bond and one of the reasons it still feels enjoyable each time a film is released is because it’s not constantly rammed down our throats.

Everything has to be stripped for parts these days. Though tbf can’t begrudge the Brocolli’s taking their share of £1billion

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Felix the CIA agent back story, just cos he’s American.

Nick Nack Origins.

Nice and spicy.

The Scaramanger Saga

Pussy Galore and her gang of lesbian cat burglars called the Cement Mixers could make an interesting spin off series.

Only just learnt about her whole backstory from wiki this min…


What was the littleun called from man witb the golden gun? Nic nack? I would be hyped on him presenting game shows or something he’s a sick character. Like crystal maze in scaramangers hall of mirrors, fake nipples everywhere the lot


The harrowing life story of Bond’s overworked gynaecologist


The Goldeneye Chronicles. Bond spin off universe set entirely in the old PlayStation game. Think Tron meets the Truman Show


N64 you philistine.


Er, excuse me that’s from the player not 007….ahh he’s doing a pitch. Bravo.

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“Stop getting Bond wrong!”


Mathis backstory up until Bond chucks him in the bin.

Oops. Gaming never my bag but i did play a lot of that at one point

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