In the news thread

see i didn’t want to say it but my assumption was that you’re basically hosing your insides. it’s not THAT strong then?


That article is sick and raises some really important points about skate aid projects. I think it also fails to note a difference between politics and play, and politicises afghan girls as objects in a way in which it hates on the west for doing so also. I haven’t seen the documentary so can’t comment fully! But implying that females can’t choose their own enjoyment against their own will is a bit of a assumption? No one if forcing them to skate. But def agree with the whitewashing of ‘empowerment’ of females- especially in Muslim countries in which these activities are seen as progressive only to defy cultural norms for them; a reflection of our own western racism in terms of what we disagree with compared to what is actually radical for women of those backgrounds. A really good conversation to have for sure.

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I’m fairly sure the UK is now deeply in the realm of “we’ve done fuck all to prevent infection and now we’re fucked”

Public have been overreacting with panic buying but the Government has done absolutely fuck all

But what can they do? You can’t down tools and hide, you can’t put a dome over the country. We don’t build things fast like the Chinese so no dedicated hospitals would be popping up. It’s a waiting game as we all slowly get it over time, it may peter out and most of us may just get a cold or we’ll get the full effects but we’ll be fine. It’s harsh that people are going to die as a result but these people may have died if they got the flu or something else. Kinda want it so I get it over with. Like when parents have chicken pox parties for kids.


Literally anything more than nothing would have been good. We could’ve cancelled flights weeks ago, people would get their money back. People are acting like potentially thousands of deaths are worth it as long as we don’t have minor inconvenience


Yeah but don’;t you know that the government want us to catch it, that way it kills of people before they become their problem when they tighten the screws on us all. Minimising collateral damage for the future.

I agree that more could be done, you can still book flights to loads of badly infected areas now which seems a bit ridiculous.

Luckily me and my crew dodged a bullet. All of us were game to go to Milan next week and we were going to actually book on the day of it being declared a state of emergency…

Yeah we decided it was for the best to not do that.

Loads of those massive EDM festivals are called off in the states and coachella is being moved to October by the looks of it.

Gutted for you, I went last year and loved the place.

Maybe next year or whenever this all blows over.

I think inland trips might be a good idea for now.

Funny though, it’s completely dead over there…it’d be ideal to skate the train station spot now haha.

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Off the end of the world vibe for a minute.

Vaguely positive ish article in the MEN today re Urbis.

Maybe go leave a decent, well-argued comment if you feel like it.



You’ll be alright, just make sure you fight some suburban mum for toilet paper in the supermarket


Yeah, remember to utilise the throat punch. Mum’s are notoriously susceptible to that move.


Watford has it too, one elderly man died at the hospital. I’m still going to go about my business whilst everyone runs around like headless chickens buying up all the pasta , bogroll, soap and bananas.


Yeah. It’s always the guy that just sits in the bar or stays home and chills, not going mental that survives in films, with the heroes in the movie as they end up back in the same place too, no better off or further forward for their adventure, expect they lost some good people along the way, when they didn’t need too. Haha.

Stay in the Winchester you’ll be fine.