Injuries and treatment

1000000000% would recommend

They seem to last forever, I’ve had same one i skate in every week for over 15 years now. Check sizing carefully, I am a UK8 and take a size S iirc

I wouldn’t worry about relying on it. I have to as one turn could fuck me permanently. And then I got thinking ‘I got to wear one of these forever now when I skate…so what?’ so really doesn’t bother me any more

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ps I’ve worn one of these lace up supports on and off for the past 20 years, don’t worry about becoming dependent. Just lace them up looser and looser until there’s no point having it if you are that worried

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Anyone have any experience skating with a fused big toe joint?
Managed to give myself arthritis in my big toe at the age of 19 from a skating related injury :slight_smile:
I am regular and its on my right foot so is pushing more difficult? Any tricks that are harder than usual or maybe even some that are easier? Also general operation details I would love to know about! For example do you still experience any pain or difficulty walking? Thank you and much love to everyone here.

Would also like to know as I have arthritis in same place and will be looking at similar issue in the near future…

I can’t believe the biggest skate news of the week hasn’t been posted already?! The Birdman had his wings clipped. X-ray looks fucking gnarly.

It was posted literally everywhere else, not much to add really.

‘Birdman’ was invented by the x-games no?
I can’t remember him being referred to that before.

Profound apologies :disappointed:

It’s okay, at least you didn’t ‘deserves its own thread’ it.

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If we can’t talk about Tony Hawk probably crending, on a skate forum, then what can we talk about


If it does end him it’ll be weird and sad - he was pro when I was a little kid and still pro now I’m a middle aged duffer.

I bet part of him is thinking ‘Thank god for that, I can chill at last!’.


I wonder if all that metal work will affect his centre of gravity? His 540s might be all over the shop!

He’s probably having quite a tough time mentally. He’s gone his whole life (apart from the pelvis break) doing ok injury-wise, and he seemed to be really enjoying himself recently and now he’s looking at not a gradual fade away but a really abrupt stop. Poor sod, hope he recovers ok

I will not forgive him for the graphics on that Powell ‘Medallion’ board though

Sorry on reflection was in a right mood earlier.
I am concerned for Toby Hawk and hope he pulls through.
Although he has Tony hawk money so he can have all the best peeps 24/7.

And I fucking loved that medallion board.
In the firm vid ray barbee skates in the tshirt and it looks amazing.

The ‘toe + knee + hawk…’ double kick that followed after was a real low point I feel.

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Yeah some Powell cliver graphics were utter utter dogshit. And dare I say it a lot of the stecyk ones

Any tips/exercises/stretches etc for rolled ankles? Rolled mine last day of May, did the icing compression elevation etc same day and the swelling went down within a few days, kept off it as much as possible and figured I’d try to skate yesterday. Definitely too early for it, didn’t feel too stable and popping was a chore, felt like one wrong landing would fuck it up again. Had my fair share of rolled ankles over the years and they’ve normally healed up quick just by staying off it but I figure I may aswell do what I can to accelerate the process.

Have you been doing daily strengthening exercises since the swelling went? If not your ankle will stay weak and unstable.

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Usual jazz, draw the alphabet with your big toe. I have a balance board I use for ankle stuff a lot

[[quote=“dontcomply, post:245, topic:792, full:true”]
Any tips/exercises/stretches etc for rolled ankles? Rolled mine last day of May, did the icing compression elevation etc same day and the swelling went down within a few days, kept off it as much as possible and figured I’d try to skate yesterday. Definitely too early for it, didn’t feel too stable and popping was a chore, felt like one wrong landing would fuck it up again. Had my fair share of rolled ankles over the years and they’ve normally healed up quick just by staying off it but I figure I may aswell do what I can to accelerate the process.

100% this.

This is also an excellent idea.

To build the strength back up, start cycling, or cycle more and put conscious effort into pushing down through the ankle each time.
Skipping will help a lot, or even just hopping 3 times on each foot for a few minutes.
Lots of calf raises and deep squats.
Resistance bands or even the elasticated waist of a pair of shorts/tracksuit looped around the foot and a table /sofa/other leg and then start twisting the affected ankle left, right, up and down.

Further ahead, daily stretching and yoga will help minimise a sprain to a certain extent - it won’t make you impervious to injury, but it will mean it won’t be so harsh next time around.

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