Injuries and treatment

You seem to be in the same boat as me - I’m not diabetic nor doing any martial arts at the moment, but still, I do a lot of bodyweight fitness, cycle everywhere and eat healthily.
This isn’t necessarily a magic bullet, but making a smoothie each night before bed with the following will help during the day -
Frozen fruit (berries are usually easiest/best)
Oat milk
Porridge oats
chopped dates
mixed nuts
mixed seeds (chia, sunflower, pumpkin)
Then in the morning add skyr or greek yoghurt (skyr has more protein) and most importantly, some sort of protein powder. The PE brand that Holland & Barratt do works for me - no idea actually how good it is, but when I run out, I really notice the slow day. Going on what you’ve said here, you seem in good shape and fitness, so just focus on diet. The protein thing is easily overlooked!
And as Madmax said, water and sleep are chronically underrated and often forgotten.

One other thing to investigate would be ditching the foam roller and swapping for (more) mobility and dynamic stretches/yoga. Personally speaking, most of the time I get DOMS, it’s best cured with movement/light exercise and if possible, either a cold shower or sea swim.


This is really inspiring, keep it going!

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Cheers mate I’ll give it a whirl, Im pretty happy with my weight, I know I could drop a few kilos if I cut out what little booze i drink and bread but I dont really want to.

Ill give the smoothies a go for sure

Th smoothie works for me as I usually get about 500ml (half) of it into me around 20mins before a coffee, then a 20-30minute morning workout, shower, then breakfast of muesli & yoghurt. The rest of it I have with lunch. Seems to do the trick!

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Turmeric Tablet daily
Plenty of hydrating fluids
As much good sleep as you can get
Regular stretching

And the biggie (that dramatically improved my health) fuck off processed foods and as much animal products as you can.

Consistency of the above is key for optimal results (or at least it is for me).


I got some high strength stuff from H&B and it works well for anxiety/stress for me but it was half price. Full price which it is now, is £50 for 60 capsules. That’s the love hemp, 1,200mg capsules, 20mg CBD per capsule. I managed to get my second tub half price from another website but might be out of luck next time. It works very well for me at that strength but unless I can find offers it might work out expensive.

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Having real problems with my right ankle, constantly feeling like my ligaments and tendons are very tight. I love it around it crunches and clicks …

You know the drill man, either get it seen or ignore it and do some stretchy strength training ting.

If it’s a real issue please go see doctor, don’t be like me and just pretend it’ll go away

I bought a cheap balance board to do some ankle strengthening but it’s so flat on the bottom it’s not a challenge to balance on at all. Are they supposed to be like that or is it just shite? If they are then anyone got any exercise recommendations?

Shove a lacrosse ball underneath the board and then see. Those flat wedges they often come with are not taxing enough.

For ankle strengthening I’d recommend resistance bands - just basically wrap it around your foot, create some tension and do a ‘kickflip motion’ - playing around with the motion on the concentric and eccentric phases.

The insta skate doctor, @dr.kylebrown is good for skate related injuries and rehab. He often has solid ankle related videos.


Been getting some weird cramps/strains dead centre in my right calf recently from pushing/popping. Same happened last winter and this has only started happening again now that the season is changing. I do a lot of yoga, bodyweight fitness and cycling, so I’m quite fit. Just annoyed that this is happening now, and that it’s in a hard to stretch part of the muscle, bah.

Anybody else get this at all?

It could be sciatica… not all sciatic pain is the classic shooting pain down the legs. Try doing some squats to improve your piriformis muscle.

I get similar calf pain if I’m sitting for long periods. I do squats with resistance bands to compensate. Seems to work. If you do a few reps a day you would tend to see an improvement in a couple of weeks.

I’ve started getting some lower back pain. No idea where to start. Anyone?

Go see a physio or get a sports massage. One of my discs was completely squished and he gave me a load of advice on what exercises to do to help it. I’ll try and dig out the pdf.


Could have a trapped nerve in your L4 L5 part of your lower back that needs releasing. It’s what skip and steve had due to sitting on a seat with bad support (cab) for long amounts of time.

Defo go to a physio , not a osteopath or chiropractor.


I’ve become slightly obsessed with climbing since the summer. Has anyone had any experience with Climber’s Elbow? I started getting a twinge around my medial epicondyle. I’ve taken a week off but it’s still twingeing. It’s not so painful I can’t climb but I don’t want to do any longer-lasting damage. I don’t want to go back too soon but I don’t want to lose all the strength I’ve built up over the past few months.

Yep. Get a really really light weight like a can of beans and hold it in your hand. Arm outstretched. Try and turn the can upside and back again. I used to do that a lot and it helped. I was trying to climb three times a week which maybe been too much anyway

Cheers. I’ve been doing loads of stuff like that. I was climbing three times a week and doing OK but I think I overdid it repeating a very particular move that didn’t agree with me. Do you think I need to be completely twinge free before I start climbing again? Or is it OK to carry on but just stay on easy routes for a bit.

I’m probably the wrong person for that kind of advice because I never wait to be “completely injury free” before doing what I want to do. When my arms were really tired I tended to do more bouldering instead of long routes though

I turned my ankle over a few weeks ago and am in 2 minds about getting a brace. I recall @Spanky and maybe @42069666 talking about this McDavid one. Would you recommend? I’m a bit worried about relying too much on it and think it might end up preventing the ankle from getting back up to full strength when its restricting the natural movement?

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