Instagram Blowouts

The one where he misses the board and supermans down the stairs makes me think maybe they’re gnarlier than they seem.

Still pretty wank though learn to kickflip or something


ABP, oops.

Oh yeah backside ones are different.

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Skateboarding is in a weird place right now haha



I was thinking about that today. I’m stoked on how inclusive skateboarding has become and on how many people skate now but also think it’s kinda surprising that a lot of tricks were considered dork tricks 10 or 20 years ago and are now totally accepted or even cool. Noseslide shove-its. The same applies to clothes too I suppose, with the return of the Goofy Boy™ kit. There’s something interesting about that process, especially if you think about some people who have been skating for over two decades and always followed trends. Some of them now do shit they were taking the piss out of not that long ago. Have they become more open-minded, or are they conforming and staying in some kind of safe, cool zone?

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Yeah totally, it’s an interesting development from the last 10 years too! However, and no diss to that dude who’s bonelessing those stairs, as I bet he’s a legend and I also seen he has a mean frontside flip, but if he was from the midlands or some shit and not London I doubt he would have the cover of Grey or be on Thrasher


Maybe he’s just London’s home town hero.


Is there a worse Instagram account than Mikey Taylor’s shilling capitalism?

Such a knob.


This Ray Barbee line would like a word

This is why I said

but I obviously forgot Dylan Hugues’ boneless to nosewheelie nollie flip out in NTWICS, whenever it came out.


Would love to see more of this ‘rise of the hometown hero’ for sure. Can we have a hometown hero thread detailing local legends and their bizzare trick selections? Aha


Yeah but nothing is bizarre anymore, sadly. :upside_down_face:


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There was a South African guy that worked at a hotel in Derbyshire for a few years that did handstand finger flips out and then disappeared in to the night.

Yeah for sure but for some reason I find switch backtails less mosher. :wink:

needed a redo that tbf…

bonelesses are so stinking, hate when they’re proper early grabbed. needs to be a mega quick motion and even then it still honks.


Same for any footplant especially on a ramp, gotta do it like a no comply where you grab it rather than early grabbed. Those bean plants where people are nearly doing a roast beef before hand are gopping, Sage Elsesser used to do em a bit

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