Sounds good, gonna listen to that soon pal.
My profile on videographer Paul Young on the occasion of his video ‘Down By Law’ (which featured Dick Rizzo, Josh Wilson, Aaron Herrington and a bunch of Bronze heads) just went up on the Closer site: 'Down By Law' — Paul Young on East Coast Filmmaking - Closer Skateboarding
Had a good time writing this and especially love this quote from it:
“There’s this idea I’m still so attached to of how you can present your local schoolyard in the suburbs the same as you can a spot in midtown Manhattan […] “On a simple level you’re using the resources that you have but it’s cool when people skate where they’re from.”
Also cut together this little video supplement with Paul talking about music supervision via Vin Perso’s part from the video.
(Bonus trivia: Vin Perso in the section above and Tom Knox both skate to covers of the same track, “A Day In The Life” by The Beatles covered by Les DeMerle and The Fall, respectively.)
The lovely Welsh dragon
Lol. Gino phoning it in as per.
Some amazing quotes in that and some genuine laugh out louds from me
The indy nosebone/bonk photo is fucking incredible
One of the greatest skateboarders of all time yet still somehow underrated
Rye told me that Snelling insisted that it was transcribed as it was spoken too. Hilarious stuff.
Great that that was sitting on the shelves of WH Smith.
OOF, it is splendid for sure!