Middle Aged Shed

I think the grass is too long for a regular lawnmower now, and my gardener mate goes on holiday today. Honestly, the back of it is like a jungle. Sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin’ under.

The decking does need Karchered and those pegs are an abomination too. Shed probably needs another coat also.

I’m not 30 for another 31 days!

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Fuck man I’m nearly 42

do people under 30 know what a forum is?

i am exactly 42

I turned 43 last Friday.

Should change the name from UK Skate Forum to UK Stormzy Avocado


Just Snapchat with words, isn’t it?

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Seems folks on here like geometric, formal gardens then. The in-laws in Finland have a meadow/wild garden, which most people have over there. Looks far better I think - no borders between the grass and plants, that sort of thing. And a couple of 2 ton boulders in the middle.

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My bro in law in Sweden has no apparent borders between his and his neighours back lawns.


Fucking hell that’s huge, kids must be buzzing

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Wow, that’s some steep incline.


Ont piss

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I was aware of that. Ha.

Nice. But get rid of that eucalyptus tree. :grin:

attracts koalas.


It looks like the top of the crown hasn’t come into leaf yet. Is that photo recent? If so it’s probably not going to, therefore dead. You could reduce the crown by topping it out, but this wouldn’t be ideal for the species. They grow fast and have long brittle limbs.
I’m also a massive tree racist. Eucalyptus, poplar, Lawson and Leyland cypress can do one.


Get your mountainous garden out Franc.
Show us your hillside.


Tree science being dropped on the regs. What a forum :heart:


I knew this thread would have some gold in it.

Tree racist :joy_cat:

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