Middle Aged Shed

Thought some people might be interested. Tips, projects etc.

I love looking at other peoples gardens … keep this out of the shoe thread!

Seeded that lawn from scratch, a lot of work clearing the path and then stones out of that soil. Looks good now, and ready to mow!


ha cool. I am constantly spraying weed killer on the cleared area we don’t know what to do with behind the studio I built. Also our grass is full of weeds and shit. I pretty much killed alot of the grass building it.

My garden, very easy to maintain.

That MAS / Mumsnet graphic feels v apt


hugo, bung a plant in the corner or something.


yeah, you could make that a living wall.

Sorry, I think we’ve all grown up since N26 haha.

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@hugo this is one of the living walls at work.


My clematis keep dying on my coastal, north facing balcony. Exposed as fuck in winter - any tips? They’re supposedly “hardy”…

I gave up on my garden a couple of years ago and it went full jumanji. the new missus took it over and showed her first harvest, a radish.
(Please note I had nothing to do with this but supply the land)

Buzzing for this thread haha, I like seeing other people’s gardens and gardening ideas.

I enjoy having my garden but I hate mowing the grass. I’ve got a tree stump/slide project (for my kids) to do over the next few weeks and I’m also harvesting my first potatos in a few weeks. I’ll keep updating as I go.

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Just ripped out some bushes from the front garden this morning because they get too heavy to support themselves and flop all over.
As of now, this happens no more.
Now sat under a tree in the back having a smoke.
Pool filled ready for the kids, although they haven’t clocked it yet so I get a bit more peaceful garden time to myself.

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allotment1 allotment2

Our allotment in Oxford, I’m labour, mrs niallc is managment. Going pretty well considering the overgrown state we got started with in February


Looks a bit like a Blur cover

Need to mow my lawn first, then I’ll post some seductive garden pics

Same here.

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Just done the back one earlier.
Gardening is a nice and relaxed excuse to be in the sun.

Raspberries are doing well.

Yes mate!!! I really want to grow fruit. Is there a good way to start or technique I have no clue.

No idea.
These were here when I got here.
I’ve just taken care of them since being here.
Strawberries are a pain.
Bugs get to them first, always.
Raspberries seem to get left well alone though.
If I can look after them, I’m sure anybody could.
I suppose one thing I’ve learnt is when they get to person high, cut them down to about a third of the size.
I did that back in about February and they have grown back well.
They look healthier for it too this year.

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