Middle Aged Shed

Down here (as English is apparently is a national language everywhere in Europe these days) you see those big SALE signs in shop windows. What I find amusing here is that sale means dirty in French, which is brilliant for fast fashion and all this shit.

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Tackling this outside the front of the house today, far too hot for it but I’ve started now so can’t leave it!


Mate I did mine this morning. Absolute ballache. Waiting for the mrs to come back so I can slog everything to the dump but at least Im in the hammock

Got an infestation of sawfly larvae. Little caterpillar looking bastards that have eaten nearly ever leaf on my 25ft tall corkscrew willow.
They are everywhere, all around the garden, it’s like a biblical plague…

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Just found this bad boy on the little we have in a pot.

I expect we’ll have some caterpillars soon.


Words can’t describe how much I hate moths. They sicken me. Saw one the other day the size of a bird. Had a big hairy body like a rat.


Anyone know a place to buy internal doors cut to a specific size?

The place I had found I’ve just read the reviews on and immediately stopped my order.

Everywhere else coming up online doesn’t fill me with confidence - discount doors, express doors etc - all sound a bit Bargain Booze…

Where I ended up a year or so back. Ended up not bothering, however I’ll likely ring someone like a local carpenter when I resume my search.

are you doors so wildly off normal that you couldn’t but a stock one somewhere and trim it? or chuck somebody with a table saw a tenner to trim it?

From what I understand (not much - I’m shit at this sort of thing) they’d need to lose too much. I’m after 578w x 1907h x2 to fit on a bi fold track space.

Nothing in our house seems to be standard sizes.

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Your floor is so sick

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Love a nice parquet floor

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Please yes - await landing.


Wouldn’t want to wobble off that tbh :smile:

Are you home alone by any chance?

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All the makings of a Rod Hull type demise there.


Finally decorated every room in the house. Only taken nearly 6 years. Might need to start again soon.


Sanding down some heavily stained furniture, but you can still see some of the dark stain.

What are my options? Just keep sanding it down till it’s gone? Or is there some magic stuff I can put on it and it makes everything easier?

Yes the wallpaper is a whole other situation I got to deal with

Chemical paint stripper might do it. It’s pretty nasty stuff but gets the job done.

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From watching the Repair Shop I’m pretty sure that methylated spirits is what you want here.

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