Mind blown

Thanks @hugo, it does the job xxx

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This isnt some kind of dickbragging thing either, im just saying if 8 boners is a portion of pasta by the apparently forum mandated dick portioning system then… then… fuck I dont know, just go for it, enjoy yourselves, sit back with an arsehole worth of baguette, a foreskin of baileys and a steaming plate of 8 dicks worth of linguine. 2020 isnt the year to deny yourself


Oh go on then, just a scrotums worth

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Fucks sake we need sigs here

Can someone explain the dicks for pasta thing?

Like if you do this :ok_hand: do you measure the spaghetti and 1 dick girth is a portion?

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In case the emoji didn’t work.

I think its one boners worth is an eighth of a portion…

Which seems a lot

So are we turning this into the dick pick thread or what.

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One boner worth of spaghetti is enough for a whole portion to me.

And I’m definitely just ‘normal’ as far as my cock goes.


Guys definitely shouldn’t be bothered about the size of their cock.

It’s only the first 2 inches that count and women would rather just be listened to than rammed.

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First Two inches?!? Fuck…


I will fight anyone who shames small dicks.

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Because you never, ever, ever put the teabag in after the water is in.

Did you know: Nazi spies were caught out this way during WWII?


Don’t understand, are you saying the bag has to be in the mug before the water enters?

^^ found the Nazi


Nazi! We’ve got a Nazi guys!!

Not just a Nazi but a Nazi with a wee little chode.


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Drei Gläser, bitte!