Nine Club

I’ve listened to the last two, for the first time in ages. Not big names but people you’d prefer to have a chat with in general than say Mike V. They’ve got a hand full of interesting/funny stories and are kept short and sweet which is good. You’d have to hope they are going to see the decade out or in (how ever that falls) with an amazing guest.


Watched/listened to that one multiple times. Definitely the funniest episode!

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No research confirmed.

First time I have thought “whooooooooooooo?”

Went who, realised who it was and went ooh.

ooh (just clicked link and now I know)

I’m actually looking forward to this one

Nope. Still none the wiser.

Dave Duncan this week

CMOAC I’ve MC’d Simple Session in Estonia with this guy a couple times, he’s cool. Remember him in Alva days and him MCing comps since the 90s. Bet he’s got a few stories.

Hung out with him at NASS one year he was MC. He was pretty cool, proper stoked on skateboarding and everyone around him.

He was just chatting to us about the course then he proceeded to skull a whole Relentless energy drink and just stood there eyes watering and shouted Wowzer! haha ended up being our catchphrase the rest of the summer.

Gonna give it a listen now.


Not amazingly good, but plenty stories about Hosoi and people round that era. Didn’t know he built the OG Plan B vert ramp!

About halfway through. Seems like he has so much to say and cannot get his words out quick enough!

This really annoyed me and it’s made me stop listening. People need to slow dafuq down.

Neal Mims episode was really good

This one should be brutal. And one I can relate too. Going from being at the top of the game about to break into the big leagues and then being cut down to size with an injury your brain can’t recover from.
Obviously that’s his story not mine ha, I was never on the break, I was just happy how I was skating but similarly, I didn’t fully recover confidence after my first real bad injury.

The Neil Mims didn’t pan out as I expected and it seemed he lied in whatever previous interview where he said that that injury ruined him as I mentioned above. I guess he was still deep in drink to admit that it was that that ruined his career not that injury. Good on him now though.

What’s wrong with Allysha Le? Can’t say I’ve heard of her but still


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The woman who crops up in recent Dickies edits. Skates bowl.