Not Stoked.

Also might be worth a look on here, this is a link to machine learning course but think they have other free ones on there:

Places like MIT also do free courses:

Might be something in there that fits. Hang in there dude.

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i’m a linux tech who works with GCP and AWS :sweat_smile: lots of wordpress and magento customers

This is the area that I work in as “Talent Acquisition” (headhunting/recruitment) and I can confirm even the starting salaries for these guys are outrageous.

The amount of VC funding coming into particularly Cyber Security vendors at the moment is mind boggling!

you’re in IT recruitment? jeez hook a brother up!

Can vouch for code academy being good. As a cheaper alternative, Udemy also have a lot of good courses and often have discounts/offers.

I realised after years of trying that I just don’t have the brain for coding however, it’s not visual enough. So have been picking away at animation and video editing, using Udemy, over the last 6 months to hopefully add another string to my bow.

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*slides into DM’s…

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Nice - mind if I drop you a message too?

Yer help me Tom haha

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This just popped up on LinkedIn when I logged in:

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Of course - happy to be of help (if I can!)

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Sat here bored off my tits attempting to do some sort of work when I had the usual ‘the fuck am I doing with my life?’ thoughts, long story short just piggybacked with all the ned advice.
Thanks guys.


Udemy often have free / super cheap offers on - I’m currently part way 60 odd hours of Blender training that was like 13 quid.

I could never quite get on with coding, but if you can it’s got to be a good skill to have.

there are loads of alternatives in big tech that have a lot of jobs going. it’s not all just coding. like @BvS said there’s animation and image design

i personally work as a sys admin which is basically fixing things that other people have broken. if you took one of those courses and learned about AWS or GCP you could become a cloud engineer where you fix cloud computers that other people have broken. it’s problem solving when you get down to it and you don’t need to be smart, just persistent enough to learn it (i feel skaters have got this!)

in years gone by i could’ve pushed any of you towards entry roles in my current company if you were anywhere near London but they’re not doing so well and a lot of roles have moved to Asia. hopefully i’ll find something new soon and if there’s anything good going i’m happy to look for roles for peeps

Sent an email for a project I’d love to be involved in, typed the email address wrong (it was a long, weird one), the email didn’t get sent. I sent it again to the right address but the attachments didn’t follow (even if they were supposed to as they were showing). I should have double-checked but my broad was having one of those days where she gets back from work and you have to listen to her ramblings looking at her, pretending you care. I’m now gonna seem like a fucking teenager or a fucking boomer that can’t send a fucking email and it’s going to discredit my work which pisses me off. It’s not that important but it annoys me.

TLDR: it’s 1996 in 2021

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Just throwing it out there for the sake of balance: as amazing as it would be earning 6 figure salaries, if you don’t actually like these sectors and roles it doesnt matter how lucrative the salary is, you’ll be pissed off and looking again in a few months time. Greener grass etc

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Just slipped out and took the ribs to the edge of the ledge. Cunt . Fucking weekend skating over already.

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Ouch, hope you feel better mate

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Fingers crossed it’s not as bad as last time, (November, I think you said. Doing the same thing too). I certainly don’t wish for anyone to be joining me in the broken ribs crew…it sucks.


I fractured some ribs on the taco at mile end. Couldn’t breathe for about an hour. Then could only sleep sitting upright in bed for next 2 months. Hope you’re ok bud.

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Just pissed , was looking forward to a 4 day skate.
Currently medicating with edibles, wine and tunes. Defo no comfortable skating for a few weeks. The wonderful/horrible life of skating. Wouldn’t change it .