Not Stoked.

Weren’t they like £100 for seated?

Still cheaper than the O2

Weekend: work/sun
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday: time off/rain
Thursday-Friday: work/sun

Let me skate outdoors, it’s the best season for it, for fuck’s sake.

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Bought some ‘Tube of Terror’ spicy peanuts off Amazon. Ate one at around 2pm and HOLY SHIT it was hot. Proper intense pain, vibrating eyeballs, burning throat, sweat, tears, the works. I ate a magnum and drank a glass of oat milk and it mellowed out enough that I could ride the rest out. Gnarly.

An hour later I had to do the school run, and when I got back to the house I started to get some stomach pain. Realised I’d left my keys in the house and my wife was out getting our other kid…stomach pain increased…cramps. Told the kid I had a stomach ache and I think it was due to the spicy peanut I ate earlier. Started sweating and going pale.

Staggered round the house to the back door and got into the back garden…by this point all I can think of doing is lying down to try and contain the pain. Told the kid I was going to lie down and by this point I’m unable to speak or think properly, am not sure if I’m gonna throw up or shit myself or both, and am sweating so much it’s dripping off my nose. I lay down on the bench in the back garden clutching my stomach and dripping sweat and groaning for about five minutes when suddenly, it was over.

Absolutely horrific experience, would recommend it to anyone just for the pure shock value. Not looking forward to the next phase of its passage through my body though.


Zoro’s Christmas present is sorted.


Perfect gift for anyone who ‘likes spicy stuff’. This will shut them up haha.

Why does your story of your gastro calamity actually make me want to try it?..

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Worth a try. Plenty of videos on Youtube of people giving it a go.


That was amazing! Sort of intrigued but after watching that, no fucking way.

Does it say what type of chilliest are used?

Yeah it’s a mix of all kinds of the hottest chilli powders…but then they add 13 million scoville capsaicin extract. That’s the killer.

Looks miserable

Apparently the hottest ranked pepper is currently the Carolina Reaper , (sounds tasty), and that is 2.2 million Scoville units. So, I guess they’ve concentrated the hell out of that to make that peanut dust covering 13 million SHUs. Mental.

Let’s not forget that chillis are supposed to have evolved their hot properties to deter the huge numbers of prehistoric herbivores that were roaming the planet and munching every plant in sight. If dinosaurs wouldn’t touch them :man_shrugging:

That said, it’s homemade burritos on for dinner tonight at my house.

It’ll be the extract, that shit fucks you up. I can’t go near it anymore out of fear that it’ll put a hole in my stomach




I like mildly hot stuff but even that completely ruins me.

Apparently the dude that has the record did 6 consecutive whole tubes.

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wasn’t there some chilli eating comp a few years ago where people actually died

good times


Think of the poo tomorrow. Getting these for my brothers stag.

Iirc it was 13/14 years ago and 2 or maybe 3 people died as a consequence of the chilli event. I vaguely recall it as I went to a chilli festival just after it happened where I thought I might be next when I somewhat screwed myself over by misunderstanding what had been said by a stall holder.

He had a row of samples of chilli pastes layed out. Possibly 15 different ones. They ranged in ascending order of potency. One would assume left to right. Far left - mellow, up to, far right- harsh. It was, unfortunately for me, the other way around. I took one of his ritz crackers, dug it deep into the pot on the left. It was only as I shoved the cracker piled high with chilli goop into my mouth in one go, that I noticed the look of abject horror on the guy’s face. Too late.

The video of that dude eating the tube of terror nuts took me back to that moment. My friends were creased up at my discomfort/ agony. I could laugh about it afterwards but at the time… jeebus! It was like being bear maced at point blank range and some. To top it off I headed, flat out, to get any kind of soothing, preferably milky, beverage and everywhere had mad queues. Whilst running about pursued by my laughing ‘friends’, I found the ice cream place and waited in line whilst pretty much screaming, involuntarily weeping and clawing at my tongue, only to find that they only sold chilli based ice cream… aaaggh!

