Can’t imagine hearing that. Fuck cancer. Poor kid.
That’s the worst news anyone can ever get. So sorry for them.
So sorry to hear that Jurwell, sending love to you, them and their family
Horrific Jurwell. Fingers crossed it is found and dealt with quickly.
I don’t know what to say but I’m sending you my most positive thoughts.
Appreciate the thoughts guys. Just trying to stay as positive as possible as nothing confirmed yet, but obviously never good when you hear things like that to start off with. Just feels so unfair when you encounter so many dickheads in your life living easy and, at least superficially, great lives, and one of the sweetest kids and nicest families has this happening to them.
How does one start the journey to a video premiere? Get there on time, safe and sound? Crack open a larg?
No, you drive a little too fast over those wee-yet-horrendously-back-breaking bumps and bust a spring, that goes into your tire and blows it up.
Back at my dads for Christmas.
I’ve brought a light Carhartt jacket and an umbrella, which is perfect for the temperate climate of Hackney, but less suitable for the current sideways rain and freezing wind of the north west.
Both Severn Bridges are shut atm just in case anyone was planning to go anywhere near either of them in the next few hours.
My wife is currently sat in standstill traffic halfway over the new bridge.
No prospect of moving for a good while either judging by the amount of emergency vehicles around.
Is she with the kid?
Luckily not. A 15 minute journey took over 2 hours.
In the end the really not stoked people are the ones involved in the crash.
I had the same feeling nearly missing a flight from Nantes. I was doing some lift share thing, luckily I left so early I wasn’t going to miss my flight, but yer eventually went past 3 cars totalled and burnt out and I was sat in the car complaining because we weren’t moving quick enough.
Next wednesday going to be enjoying a high of -14°C and low of -17
Might give skate night a miss
Proper Baltic. In…the Baltics.
But remember, no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!
Lol no thanks. Makes rainy 10 degrees look like paradise
Even indoors, your bushings will be like granite.
Tax Return. I know I owe something, just not how much just yet.
Gonna try and send the bill to Michelle Mone.
I’ve blatantly made up my tax return for a few years as my accounting is terrible. Probably paid too much if anything but maybe not. This year I’m doing it properly though
Am going to moan again.
Went to docs about this cough I’ve had for 3 months, and my right knee that clicks all the time, feels horroble and occasionally gives way.
Stoked that I got sent straight for x-rays for both and was back home inside an hour!
Find out what’s going on with it all on Monday. Fingers crossed it’s nothing too gnarly
Positive vibrations @Mark
I had a similar selection of experiences recently.
Stay up player x
Good luck @Mark