Oh shit man that sucks. Rest, ice, compression, elevation. And anti-inflammatories to bring down the swelling
Cheers. Fingers crossed. Looking reasonably good so far…
Just had a swallow me now moment that is going to haunt me weekly.
At swimming lessons with my kid. It’s a small viewing area behind glass. All the seats are taken up as usual so I’m stood at the back. There’s a big bunch of new people there.
A mum has saved the seat for her husband at the front (in front of me).
Husband gets back and stands in front of me leaning on the chair for a straight up 10 minutes. He’s in the dead centre and is blocking the view of everyone.
After 10 minutes of staring at this guys back i tap on his shoulder and explain as much as i love looking at your back would you be able to sit down or stand on the side please.
The guy is fuming and muttering stuff at me but does move over. Then he says over to me I’m trying to watch my son which i say that’s what I’m trying to do as well
All was ok until 10 minutes later one of the instructor’s came in and (obviously in front of all the parents) explained to the mum how he’s howling although theres no tears. He’s screaming to see his daddy.
It’s at this stage i wanted to die.
Clearly theres some issues with his son which required him to be able to see his parents.
I go over and apologise to the dude…a lot. He apologises for his reaction tbf.
If only he explained why he had plonked himself in the middle of the room…
The cringe when the instructor left the room was off the charts.
These lessons are every week. FUCK.
Ah be rate mate. Wouldn’t stress about that, how are you to know.
Yeah I wouldn’t be able to go back.
With cars and trains you don’t really need to swim these days anyway.
Get a photo of the guy printed on a t shirt. Help him out
I don’t understand what you did wrong? So he stood in front of you blocking your view, his son is having a moment and asks for his dad? Why did you need to apologise for asking him to move? Was his son of concern at the time he posted himself where he did? could you have, in hindsight pieced together that he was poised because his son was of concern from the start?
Did you apologise for something you could not foresee or for not being aware enough at the situation?
Yer same just chill. Fuck em.
How the fuck are you meant to know that, this has proper riled me up
Nah not your problem Les, if there is a reason he has to stand where he did then he should have explained it up front with everyone behind him instead of assuming everyone was able to read his mind. Fuck it.
I don’t think he cared for the way I asked him but it was going to be very hard to not ask it in way which sounded very shitty.
The whole rooms eyes on me after she said his kid was going ape because he couldn’t see his dad after I’d made him move…
I don’t think I did anything morally wrong or anything but it was such a real life Partridge/Brent moment. Excruciating.
He really should’ve explained why he was being an inconsiderate dick and if it was that level bad I cant see why they couldnt have just sat by the edge of the pool anyway.
The dad should have said why he couldn’t move.
So now no-one can see their children swim ever again? It’s bad organisation on the Swimming Lessons side. One that is going to need to be addressed sooner than later anyway. Best it gets sorted now than weeks of resentment building up from the other parents, who are paying good money too. If the child has special requirements it’s up the Swimming teachers to make sure it’s in place and not at the determent to the other children/parents.
In fact the dad should have been poolside with them little bags you have to put over your shoes.
Had a similar thing happen at a service station. We pulled in cos I was desperate for a shit, like actually trembling. The gents was closed and there was a big queue for the disabled loo. I’m trying not to follow through and this bloke marches to the front of the queue and jumps in the loo. When he came out I gave him a mouthful and it turned out he genuinely had a bad bowel condition and everyone glared at me too. Was bad enough trying not to shit myself without delaying it by having an argument and then being a social pariah too.
Pretty sure I’ve used that one too.
Nah that’s fine. Everyone apologised, shit happens. Definitely a bit sitcom esque though
Can’t he sit at the front?
This whole thing is amusing me…
Glass viewing room. Bags on feet.
Are swimming pools in England some kind of clean room facility for swimmers
Did my back in putting a plate in the dishwasher at work. Mid thirties is hitting me hard.