Not Stoked.

Games gone.


Is it true that you can never trust a fart?

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And should never waste an erection

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Hahaha!! No spoilers.

They will steal your life savings.

If you’re offered one, take it.


Oi, that’s my catchphrase!

yeah that threw me



:crossed_fingers:t2: for no soilers if you’re risking farts


You become an expert at catch and release when it comes to potential bumdribbles.

Surrounded by the reality of 14 years of Tory rule, fractured and meaningless culture, ghastly shotta aspiration culture and the embrace of self destruction of the working classes on a daily basis.
Over it.
Might throw my morals in the bin and move to Dubai


The way I see it is who’s the most American? I reckon for a lot of people it boils down to this (re election)

Let’s face it the west doesn’t exactly have the moral high ground anyway

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Feels like the earth should just shake us off like fleas at this point.

My boiler keeps turning off and I can figure out why

Mine did this in my old house, horrid feeling waking up in winter when the heatings not come on.

By no means a boiler engineer, but ours would loose water pressure, so would need topping up every once in a while, would be worth checking.

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My Vaillant boiler did this - it would just turn off randomly and then over time did it more and more frequently. It ended up needing the thermostat replacing I think

It must throw up an error code no?

I have to reset mine every 2 or 3 months because I have a slow leak somewhere in my system which drops the pressure down too low. I never get the root issue sorted. I just top it back up and it goes back on.

Central heating is like your health. You just don’t appreciate it until something goes wrong.

Sounds like you’re just going to have to get a plumber out. Good luck.

Nah no errors just no power, figured it’s a ghost in my dodgy electrics and there’s a loose wire somewhere. Tightening random things and poking about with a multimeter has seemed to fix it but I don’t really know why.
Get full voltage before and after the breaker for the boiler in the fuse box and was getting no voltage at the junction that then went into the boiler, but now all normal again so who knows.

Look up filling loop, to top it up for your model

Have a look at the pressure meter, if it drops too low it’ll stop

Hmm you sure you’ve got no power? If so then it’s something else, don’t tinker call a plumber