Not Stoked.

Oh no. Can’t get into work. On a sunny Friday no less. FFS!


Yeah no the initial rage has died down I am starting to see the upside to this…

Are you getting the steering/wheels alignment checked too? Looks like a fair whack and it could well have knocked it wonky

Tracking will be fucked after that

Wot Ned said. Which is probs what the mechanic will say too if he’s like the one we use.

Yeah will get the wheels realigned too

My local gym is closing down! Email went out to all members at 12 noon today. Apparently the company are at a break clause in their tennency and the landlords want them to sign up for another 10 year lease, so they’ve said fuck it and will close end of FY.

Gutted really. Been getting back into it during Winter whilst my knee has been out of action. Bashed out a set of 70kg bench press in anger.

Gym’s gone.


If only there were 7 other gyms within a 1 mile radius!


£450 car bill, just to have the old shit tip working as it should do. Then tonight the TV blows up, £900 to get equivalent. Fucking expensive week.

Feel really ill. Sweating buckets and everything aches. Hopefully better by tomorrow but at the moment I feel like death.

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Get well soon Mike. Have a lucozade and a wank


Ffs chatting to my friend this morning and then halfway through the day their kid puts up a happy birthday post for them.
Can we go back to using Facebook so we get told when everyone’s birthday is?

I did manage a couple of bottles of Lucozade but my entire body has been numb for a couple of days so no wanking…All food has tasted off so I’ve hardly eaten anything for days. Just getting the shivers now so I think I’ll load up on various meds and go to bed.

Worst has passed anyhow.

On a positive tip I’ve listened to a lot of Czarface and MF DOOM over the last couple of days and hopefully I’ll be alright to skate tomorrow night providing the persistent headache goes :slight_smile:


Unboxed my Gousto box and the useless Michael Fabricants have sent it without any ice packs. Bit of a first world problem but I was well looking forward to it.

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I took mine off since I realised it was ripe for ID theft, combined with giving address on fb marketplace, and public profile pic

Was there a discussion about this recently? I vaguely remember reading something……

Anyway, there’s a really fucking annoying ad at the bottom of the forum that comes up on my phone and Mac. No idea why that’s started to pop up. Any ideas how to get rid?


Do you support the forum via Patreon?
This will help if you do, otherwise I’m afraid I don’t know how to help.

Yeah, pay your subs you trampy whore

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Yeah are you a patreon? If so, just changing the template to something other than default should fix it.

I have some Google AdSense feature enabled which tests all kinds of different formats of ads. But if it’s too much, I can cancel that format. If you can post a screenshot that will help me