Not Stoked.

Just found a cat that had been hit by a car. It was still breathing but had quite a bit of blood all around its nose and mouth and wasn’t moving any of its limbs, presumably it had some internal injury. Poor thing kept turning its head to look at me.

I sat with it and stroked it because I didn’t know what else to do - some guy came out after a while and said he’d been on the phone to an animal charity but that no one was going to come get it. The cat didn’t have a collar either, so unless the guy takes it in or someone sees it and knows it, it’ll inevitably be left to the foxes.

What a shitty end to the night

So bone. Sure he/she will have appreciated the comfort. Gunna be gutted when fat Alan dies. (Lives with me mum)

Applying for a UK passport for my boy and it would appear that documentation requirements are now at the fucking ridiculous level.

Now I got to provide original birth and marriage certificates for all 4 grandparents! Seriously?!? 2 of which were born when Estonia was under Soviet occupation (and now quite bitterly separated). And one in Singapore. So mandarin and russian documentation. This is going to be a fucking shitshow


Passport office are fucking us around too. I feel your pain.

Tf is this :poop:

I think a lot of ads are written now so that people screenshot and share them, meaning all the people they didn’t reach in the first place (like the Patreons on here) will end up seeing it.

A lot of that on Reddit, where people will be all, ‘Wow, look at this fucked up poster, who would think such things?!’ but by sharing it they’ve just increased the amount of people who’ve seen it by several thousand times. Best ignored.


Considered focusing and looking in to ways to forcibly limit time spent on the internet via my phone after this and the clickbait that is my insta feed/explore page.

Internet engagement tactics have got to a crazy state and yet still seem to have control over my life and brain more than I would like to admit.

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The universe telling you to become a patreon


How much is, what do I do?
@Spanky - was supposed to be a reply

  • Go here:
  • Choose a plan (all of them kill ads), starts from 2USD per month

I thank you


Will make amends for my public lack of support tonight


Again, thank you all for the support!

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Since day 1 baby!

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Stood in the boarding queue at the departure gate just before a domestic flight today, with a MacBook pressing against a Magic Keyboard in my rucksack and causing a fast, loud beeping that wouldn’t stop. Cue all the massive oil rig workers in the queue turning to silently stare at me all at the same time while I tried to stop it beeping without looking like I was actually trying to make sure it blew up there and then.


The neighbour has started bonfire season. He is a very dodgy Michael Fabricant.


Anyone delt with illicit skate shop before? I’m having trouble contacting them.

Woke up with mild cold symptoms and tested positive for covid. It’s my daughter’s first day of A-levels. What are the protocols these days? I know you’re under no obligation to isolate anymore. I will probably just hide from the rest of the family for 5 days and hope for the best.


Clue might be in the name! Eeek

Not heard of them to be honest.

I’m tempted to quit or break my work partnership. It’s been good over the years but after this issue with my partners mate (he’s not been in to beat me up yet) I can just see this thing going south.
I need to look at some figures and see if I can make things work going solo and just doing simple print jobs from home.

Maybe I deserve it for using dodgy websites to find independent skate shops.

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