Not Stoked.

True. I have me 10-15 minute routine and need to do it every other day. In the long term it pays off. I started doing it once a week and saw no real difference. Only regularity works.

I also heard something the other day which seems crazy but I reckon is true, which is if you do sport very regularly eg minimum. 1-2hr 4 times a week, stopping or drastically reducing the regularity for only 3 weeks will make you lose at least 40% of what you gained.

Going to Yoga really helped me too mate


Plus one for yoga and stretching


First day back at school last week and a kid in my daughter’s class tests positive for Covid. Daughter starts sneezing on Friday, complains of headaches last night. Only have out of date self tests at home but both showed positive. Going to test her again later but pretty sure it’s a done deal.

Bonus not stoked. Spent a couple hours completely reorganizing daughters bedroom moving bed, cupboards etc. When everything is in place we realise the two 3m tall massive ikea cupboards need to be switched around. Wife says that’s what she thought from the start but didn’t insist because she thought I’d contradict her.

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Yer I can imagine you contradicting her hahahah


3 year old has picked up saying “FUCK’S SAKE” from me and “JESUS CHRIST GUYS” from the wife


I was driving with my little girl once and said something similar and thought I got away with it until a few days later when we were all in the car, someone on the road did something stupid and I tutted as a tiny voice from the back seats says “Is that a stupid bloody woman, Daddy? Are you going to call her a prat?”

Wife was unimpressed


strong action

Had nearly the same thing except I just about manage to abbreviate it to “…cks sake” and drop the “Fu…”. She still repeats it and I still get the stink eye off my wife tho.

It’s exacerbated by my wife glaring at me and saying “JESUS CHRIST” every time he says “FUCK’S SAKE”


My wife has an interview, so had to spend a couple of hours entertaining my four year old instead of working, so took him on a long drive with our puppy too, so she could have a quiet house.

Ended up driving around some industrial estates looking for spots to kill time, lots of twisty turny driving.

“Dad, my stomach hurts”

2 seconds later, recreation of the team America vomiting scene begins. Literal mists of vomit being produced from his tiny mouth. Puppy freaked out and managed to get free of her harness and jump onto my lap, all whilst navigating a busy road.

Long 15 minute drive home, manage to sneak him into the shower without disturbing mum. Whilst peeling him out of his vomit enriched outfit, the puppy decides to piss on my feet.

So now I have the joy of keeping them entertained for another 45 minutes, and then I get to clean the car and then do 6 hours of work.


Just got back from a ‘surf trip’ to Portugal. ‘Sounds great!’ you might say. Wrong. Had a lovely 3 days in Lisbon but as soon as we got to the resort I immediately developed a very intense head cold, bone/neck/back aches, fever and a headache that still hasn’t gone after 6 days. Needless to say my wetsuit didn’t even come out of the bag. No sun-downer cocktails or wine with a nice meal. Just the occasional dry cheese baguette and chewing down as many pills as my kidneys could handle. There was also a nice skatepark there which I brought my board for, but couldn’t skate. Woe is me.


Sounds like Covid.

Sorry to hear about this.

Covid really doing the rounds at the moment…

I did a test when I got back yesterday, which was negative. I think it was though as they were exactly the same symptoms as the last time I had it.

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When did you start to get rid of long covid symptoms? you had it for Aaaages, didn’t you?

Never! My smell/taste has changed permanently.

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Oh shit!

I’ve been feeling weird for 2 or 3 weeks now, maybe even more, weird headaches, achy muscles, tiredness. Fuck that.

Same same.

Wow! That’s wank.