said this on here before but i know two people who had long (or permanent) taste/smell issues from covid who then got the virus again and got some of their taste back once recovered
An ex colleague (in her 30’s) went to the docs with a chest infection only to be sent to hospital who found a primary tumour in one organ and secondary lung tumours. Going to see her tomorrow and have absolutely no idea what I’m going to say that won’t either add to the gloom or sound flippant.
That’s terrible, judging by the lack of reaction on your post I don’t think anyone knows what to say or how to deal with it, I certainly don’t. Hope it goes well.
Covid did a proper number on me, I was in bed for the first year and couldnt remember friends names or the names of basic things, I once had to google the name of carrots haha.
Still got long covid 3.5 years later but I saw an upswing after 2.5 years so I can mooch about and live semi-normal now. Just cant really do any sport now
There was a whole show about this on LBC the other day and I didn’t realise the numbers affected - so many, many people suffering and kinda feel like it doesn’t get media attention (because covid is over right?). Was a really good, if somewhat depressing, show
Got a mate with long covid who has been medically retired at 45 as he can’t work any more with the fatigue, joint pain, headaches, brain fog, memory loss, heart problems. Has to nap 2-3 times a day and is on bare painkillers. Not to mention the mental toll on him and the family. Pretty much invalided him. I think he’s part of some longitudinal study with other long covid people but he’s not seeing any sign of any breakthroughs in the treatment. Proper rough situation.
There’s a huge overlap in symptoms with Chronic Fatigue syndrome, plus a common trigger in the sense of an initial viral infection. Meaning that there’s existing, if limited, research that Long Covid can build on, but it’s going to be years before anything concrete is available in terms of a singular treatment becuase there’s just so many variables.
There’s some interesting research being done into Rapamycn, a drug that can potentially help to slow the breakdown of mytochondrial production thus helping with fatigue (mitochondria essentially being the batteries within our cells). Who knows if it’ll lead to anything.
Youtube premium price hike from 18eur to 26eur!
Must say I’m loving no ads on youtube but still, that’s a fucked price jump.
In other news I cancelled my Nine club and GH memberships. Honestly the Nine club memberships are a massive rip off. In fact most of these membership schemes are rip offs.
On the NC I went for gold. You get the interviews on the weekend before Monday general release and bts of each guest which is kind of pointless chit chat and photo session because they keep the main stories for the interview. There was a period where they posted bonus videos but those are few and far between so overall the asking price doesn’t add up. God knows what you get any better for the other tiers.
Someone broke down the NC on slap a while back about how their business model is dry and their days are numbered if they don’t try and switch things up. There was more but overall whoever posted made sense. I also find the disconnect between release on yt and release of the audio sort of stupid too.
As for gf, I just found his streams too boring. I prefer audio content because then you can do something else at the same time. GH is all video.