Not Stoked.

guilty of doing that albeit with only 2 or 3 keys so atleast im not jingling like rudolph everytime i push. used to lose keys more often than i’d like to admit but since i started running that carabiner thing im yet to lose one. half debating getting one of those hip bags that seem to be popular as i hate having to bring my backpack and i cant get away with a tote bag.

also learned the hard way about skating with a watch on :joy:

If you cycle to the spot, get a saddle bag that you can lock, either with a combination lock or by running a cable lock through it. That’s what I’ve started doing. Phone/keys locked to the bike and the bike locked at the park. Enjoy empty pockets all day baby.

Not 100% foolproof but it makes it difficult enough for people not to try anything unless they super motivated… It’s much easier to keep an eye on a bike than a bag.

Paranoid about getting stuff nicked if I put it down :frowning:

Have only ever smashed one phone in my pocket, and that was a brick in 1998

Slammed with a quid in my pocket when I was a kid (landed with it directly over my hip) and couldn’t skate for two weeks.

Fuck skating with anything in pockets. In the olden days we used to skate with that shit chain from front belt loop to wallet in a back pocket lol. I even had one of those massive ‘X’ shaped skate tools clipped to it for a bit.
100% (shit) fashion over function lol

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Skated with a box of matches in my pocket as a yoof, genie’d them slamming, setting myself a blaze.


That can’t be real

I have a witness on this very forum, who was there.


When I was about 14 I tripped over my laces and faceplates with my MP3 player in my pocket. The screen smashed and a little bit about half a centre metre long went into my leg. I couldn’t get it out and it’s still there, you can feel it when you run your finger over the scar.

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I’ve done some dumb shit skating but that takes the biscuit. Hope you weren’t wearing shell bottoms!

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Palace attire?

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Would’ve totally dug that shit out with a pin/compass etc

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Fucking hell mate that sucks :-1:t3::-1:t3:

Were you skating with it in your pocket?


I got to paddle to work today.

Uh oh!

Just bought my Dad’s old car off of him (Renault Scenic 1 :metal:) and this happened to that once or twice.
Sun roof drain was clogged.

obligatory complaint about the weather

Is that a Seat Toledo? Looks v similar to mine which did exactly the same thing. Think it was knackered door seals

Looks the same as my peugeot minus the water

Peugeot 208. I think the is some water getting in under where the windscreen wipers are. It’s making a sploshy noise when I go round corners. Apparently it’s common for the 208. I’m going to have a poke around later.