Not Stoked.

I managed to delete all my son’s photos from his memory card in his camera, meaning I lost everything he shot since early June, so that provided some drama over the weekend… I was deleting a video I shot of of my foot, the options were Delete Frame, Delete Selected, Delete All. So I hit delete all, as in all the frames in that video clip… PITA. My son was in floods of tears as he had loads of photos of local wildlife and his gerbils on the card. And I’m a self-styled computer expert. FFS.

double facepalm


Book in with a sports physio, no point going to a doctor and wasting time .
The physio will diagnosis it pretty quick and give you the right treatment.

It’s worth the £40 . They should be open in lockdown.

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You’re gonna have to take him on lots of nature walks to redo. It’ll be good!

I experienced plantar fasciitis, it wasn’t that bad, mainly hurt in the morning for 5 to 10 minutes when I got out of bed. I saw a sports doctor who told me to do these exercices and I was sorted in a week or two.

I also suffer from ostheochondritis dissecans. Could be that too, but I’m no doctor. Shit’s weird. I played basketball or football or something like that one evening, did nothing wrong, sat down for 5 minutes, tried to get up and couldn’t walk. Tried to power though it but it still hurt loads 5 or 6 weeks later. I saw a foot specialist, got some liquid injected in my foot, got custom orthotic insoles made and have been fine ever since. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to skate without those insoles. They take a minute to get used to but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Funnily enough, I’m seeing the podiatrist for new insoles tomorrow.

Go see a sports medicine doctor mate.

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Ha, we get a load of blue tits and goldfinches on our balcony so all the photos are easily re-shot. But stlll… Gotta get some recovery software to look at this!

The first stretch in this gives me instant relief from it for a while.
I’ve just come off a 2 month skate trip where i skated nearly everyday so was in pain/limping every morning/everytime i stopped skating.
Gonna try n get that shit sorted permanently!

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What do I do @franc? I can’t read it haha.

I have had Plantar since early march… Some days it’s a killer, other days not a twinge… Plenty of self care you can do to manage it so it doesn’t spoil your day and get you down.

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Firstly get it properly diagnosed. Then if it is…

Get a massage ball/tennis ball and roll your foot around on it whilst putting as much pressure on it as you can handle. Do this several times a day.

Calf stretches! Cant advise doing these enough.

Calf raises on a step to help increase blood flow to the are.

Plantar isnt an easy fix. I know people who have had it for a month and some who have had it years to various degrees of pain.

Stretching is key.

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I can get you the same leaflet in German or Italian of you want.

I’d say see a sports doctor first so you know what it is then you’ll ideally be able to sorti it out yourself. Or with a sports physio.

completely fine

5mm bit and through the fleshy bit to the left of the bone on my left hand, through and out the other side.



honestly wasn’t as sore as you would expect it to be, hurt more the next day trying to take off the handbrake in the car


Don’t want to give false hope but I think that should be recoverable since you’ve not done a proper format or anything. All you’ve done is mark the space as available, the data should still be there. Do some googling.

edit: ah just seen your later reply, but yeah I’m sure I managed this for someone at work one time who did the same thing.

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Nice one man, will investigate!

Yeah empty everywhere and 30 degrees for months

Yeah what mark g said. I think I downloaded some free software somewhere and recovered all of them. Just don’t use the card or even leave it in the camera it drive until you got the software

Ok so now my foot is bruised to fuck and can feel the ligaments grinding it’s weird.

Mate it looks pretty bad, the injury might require amputation because you appear to have “toon army” bruised into the ankle