Not Stoked.

Add me to the list.
Wasn’t even an argument, been staying at hers for the past few months and have been asked to go back and live at mine while she ‘works on her mental health’ on her own.
Turns out I’m a bit too hyper. Oopsie.
Quite nice to be back mind.


Managed to stretch out setting up a couple of echo dots and 2 wheely storage shelves for the pantry to keep my (very busy) WFH wife appeased. Rest of it has been spent doing as minimal as possible and have to say it doesn’t help the noggin at all.

Keep your head up - everyone. As Jag said - he difference in weather, dark nights etc is shit without a global pandemic and national lockdown.

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Only found out today that a few laptops being used in an exhibition on the weekend were stolen, I suggested to my work mate to check marketplace to see if anything turns up there. Taking my own advice I’ve now managed to find some other stuff I look after being sold bold as you like with our asset label on the front still.

Been isolated with Covid for 11 days now. Most people seem to feel sick for about 5 days then can go back to real life once their 10 day isolation is over but I feel exactly as I did 11 days ago when it started. Zero evolution. Feels like it’s gonna last forever which is slowly driving me mad. GGGRRRMMMBLMBLBMBGGRRR.

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excuse my stupid, how long are you meant to be isolated for? or is it until you feel “better”?

Here in Switzerland you’re supposed to be isolated for 10 days after the first symptoms, then you’re usually in good shape and can go back to work. If you’re not, you have to stay isolated for 4 more days and if that’s not enough, you have to see your GP. They basically want you to feel in good shape and have no symptoms for 2 days before you can leave your house.

I’m not feeling super ill but am nowhere near not having symptoms.

wow over here it’s just “isolate for a bit” then go back to normal as if nothing happened regardless

Over here it’s ‘Isolate for a bit if you’ve got nothing else to do, but if you’ve got kids or you need to go to work that’s fair enough’.

I saw a list of the 7 hardest hit areas in Europe last weekend and 5 of them were in Romandy, where I live. No wonder things are more strict here.

that genuinely seems to be the message

I’m in the same boat as you @franc, don’t seem to have moved on at all. Was psyching myself up to go back to work tomorrow, but got fuck all sleep last night and have a terrible headache that won’t shift. The worst part for me has been the total loss of smell / taste . Food is one of my primary sources of pleasure, and it’s really depressing not being able to enjoy a meal, which was pretty much all I looked forward to while not being able to leave the house.

Ouch. Sorry to read this. I never really lost smell or taste which definitely helped as I love food. Losing my mind though, feeling like I’m never gonna be in good shape again. :sweat:

Hope you don’t get long covid.

was trying to drill through a bit of steel this morning in an awkward position, slipped and drilled right through my thumb, great fun.

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Pretty sure I have this. I’m in absolute agony trying to walk.

Sounds brutal, how’s it looking?

Morbid fascination - how big a drill bit and how through the thumb are we talking?

Damn! Was it through the nail too!
Done that a couple of times over the years through the nail . One of the worst pains ever. Get a tetanus jab if you haven’t had one in the last 7 years .

Was it through skating heel bruise?

Nope walking around Oxford yesterday. I can barely put any weight on my foot. Just the toes.

NHS says ice it. But I don’t think that’s gunna be doing much.