Olympics 2024

Fun Fact: Ruby Trew from Sydney had to choose between surfing or skateboarding in the Olympics, as it was impossible to do both due to the surfing event being located in Tahiti and the skateboarding in Paris.



Breadth and variety of moves.

Dancing has been established as a competitive sport forever. So why not breakdancing at the Olympics I guess. It’s athletic and acrobatic af. I mean, we’ve got synchronised swimming in there, so…

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I wonder if there’ll be Olympic beatboxing teams to provide the music for the breakdancers or whether they’ll bring in, say, MC Hammer. And whether there will be official regulations for the square of Lino/cardboard they put down to spin on their heads on. And whether they get extra marks for tagging the arena with spray paint.

There was an interview with Andy Mac in the Telegraph today. He says when he hasn’t been on his board for more than a day or two his wife says he becomes a pain to be with. My wife said “I know how she feels…”

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Coverage is going to be quite annoying unless you’re willing to pay

I’m pretty excited for the Olympics generally.

This is where working from home 4 days a week is going to pay off even harder than it already does.

My main gripe used to be that squash was never in as a sport but the IOC finally saw sense on that (just not for this year).

My second quad-annual gripe is how swimmers get way too many chances to get a medal.

Best olympians lists are so skewed to to the pool (and veloderome too actually) it’s annoying.

Tons of sports get one shot at a medal but some swimmers get absolutely loads of goes.

It’s never going to change so can’t even get worked up at it.

Football, tennis and golf shouldn’t be in there either.

My main mission now would be to get them to drop dressage as a ‘sport’. It’s just being posh, sitting on a horse whilst it does all the work. How the fuck is it even a thing.

Oh one more that’s not strictly Olympic related - track and field. They will show every moment of every heat for the track events but only dip into the field events even though they are better to watch most of the time.

Gripe ramble over. Surely more to follow.


I hope Israel get boo’d and protested

Football seemed stupid to me too but apparently it’s the second most viewed sport in the whole games

I guess even if no one on the planet watching it gives a shit about it, it’s the most widely watched sport in the world so that makes sense I guess. People understand it more than taekwondo or whatever.

Further to my dressage hate, I absolutely love how someone has sat on footage of animal cruelty for 4 years and released it just at the right moment to crush this fuckheads dreams:


In other Olympic news, Shoko Miyata, the captain of Japan’s women’s gymnastics team, has been sent home in disgrace. She was found to have smoked one cigarette and drunk one alcoholic drink while at the team’s training camp in Monaco.

The Japanese Gymnastic Association’s president Tadashi Fujita offered a grovelling apology ‘from the bottom of our hearts’ at a news conference while employing the deepest bow of shame (the ‘dogeza’). As did Miyata’s personal coach, Mutsumi Harada.


Still, it could have been worse for her.
They let her off the ritual disembowelling.


Wait until they find out what Yuto got up to after winning last time!


Bets on any one getting done for “passively” smoking weed?

Team USA would top my list

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If you enjoy a responsible bet, then these odds are fantastic. I really don’t see anyone other than Yuto or Nyjah winning

Yuto a great bet at over 5/1!

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Gustavo at 9/1 also seems mental considering his disgusting but technical and consistent bag of shit tricks

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Won money on the lady winner last olympics.But also lost money on Oski.

You know Aurelian’s getting on that podium one way or another

Hard flip late flip back 50-50 on the big hubba.

I’m not a better but have a got this right, I could stick a tenner on nyjah, tenner on yuto and tenner on ginwoo and if nyjah wins I’ll still be up £15?

Jimmy Wilkins won $42k after betting on Keegan Palmer at the last Olympics.