On / Of

My point was that people loved his shoe.

Voodoo’s point super valid too.

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I suppose he did remain relevant for longer than the original crew, it’s hard to picture Reese Forbes, Danny Supa or Richard Mulder still being on now. The most recent thing I enjoyed of Gino was him bombing around Copenhagen. The problem is for me is that the actual skating is far, far outweighed by the chilling photo shots now. Oh well, it’ll be interesting to see if he actually does switch to adidas or do a collab with them.


Joe Gavin on TNSC. I was thinking this would be a rad fit for a while. Looking forward to the video they’re filming.



National team is so bloated with guys who do nothing, shame as there are so few UK companies around still doing stuff. Wish they’d put some fresh blood on

Joe Gavin is a UK legend but he hasn’t really got anything exciting about him any more, churns the same part out again and again

Joe Gavin has nothing exciting about him anymore?! Madness. Always a pleasure to see JG footage.


Yeah I don’t know where that came from. He’s rad.

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I just find JG output to be far too repetitive by this point

It would be sick if National built something with up and comers and new talent instead of a team predominantly of guys who don’t do much.

Feel like there’s such a gap in the market for a powerful UK team especially since someone experienced who can film and edit properly is behind the company

Fucking hate it


Yeah fair enough, in hindsight it has been a while (for him anyway) since he dropped a part. Just remember an constant stream of sections from him a couple years back that all seemed to just blur into one and kind of diluted him for me.

Anyway still don’t see hooking him up as a ‘power move’ like some people on insta are calling it

Yeah any kind of hate on Joe is just insane. No matter what company it is, adding him to the team is only a positive thing!


Favourite section of anyone in the last few years:



Sweet jesus Haven, spoken like a true fuckwit.

Waaaa, Joe Gavin does nothing, get him off the team.
Waaaa, Joe Gavin did so many parts that I couldn’t keep track and they ended up blending into each other.


He’s a national treasure.

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I met a dude in London recently who said he was on the Forum, but then said I’m not Haven Hamilton, which made me immediately think it was him.

It probably wasn’t



Nah I say that when I meet people too. Just in case.


Just so we’re clear, I am not Haven Hamilton either.


So sick


Yeah you know what just watched that Cottonopolis section again and went back and watched a few others and I take back what I said. All way better and more varied than I remembered, my memory definitely had those parts down much differently. Still a switch wallie, switch 180 pole jam and switch crook ‘bonk’ overload but yeah he continues to kill it.

Still stand by my point of National having a bloated team though


I’ve been trying for ages to track down Joe’s River’s Edge part for ages, can’t find it anywhere.

I remember loving that video when it came out. Lost the DVD during a house move :frowning:

There was also that 3 minute line part he did with Stu Bentley which I think possibly was for Etnies and was maybe on mPora? Totally disappeared.
It was entirely lines and I think one trick led into the next…maybe all one outfit, too. Was so good…

edit: https://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/trash/3-minutes-with-joe-gavin/
This…but the link no longer works.