On / Of

They can’t put him on FA surely.

Koston and Guy should just go back to girl and we can pretend numbers never happened.


That would wipe out any chances of them putting any younger people pro.

Guy is not stinking he’s one of the all time greats.

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Who’s am for girl right now? Ozzie kid Roman Davies right? Realistically Guy and Koston wouldn’t go back to girl but having them back would bring a lot more to the party than Brophy filming selfie flip fakies in his garden does.


I’d find it hilarious if I was Girl, they looked after and backed Guy through all his years in the wilderness shall we say? He gets his come back and fucks them off, only for it not to work. I don’t think they’d want Koston back with his charming public/social image these days too.

I totally agree and I love his earlier footage but he’s one of those who just doesn’t do it for me especially the last 10 years

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Yeah he peaked at fully flared.

Pretty sweet got a bit too lazer flippy.

But mouse.


No denying Mouse Guy is a GOAT but Fully Flared onwards is a different skater to me, style and trick selection unrecognisable. Can’t think of any other skaters who’ve come back and changed so drastically on the board.

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Thought this a few times. Stuck with him, and helped him back into sobriety and gave him the platform to relaunch himself and then just fucks off. There must be more all behind it we’ll never know but to me it’s a massive fuck you doing that. But maybe I’m just dramatising it all and they weren’t all as tight as I thought.


Feel like with Numbers Guy and Koston just got a little too big headed, seeing Dill/AVE start FA must’ve made them think they can just start and company with little to no thought, sit back and watch the money roll in. Never felt there was any love in what they did, whereas with Dill there feels like a passion behind it all.


Wasn’t saying FA had little to no thought there though could read like it

Big Butt Guy is the worst version of Guy.


Dad Hair Wrist Guard Guy


I feel like that’s a cover a strictly because “it’s Guy”.

It’s not an exciting photo. It doesn’t convey any momentum. I feel like I’m looking at someone eat pizza on a stall, holding it for a photo, rather than a trick captured mid-grind. Please correct me with examples if I’m wrong but has he ever been the type of skater who deals in photogenic single tricks? (Mean this genuinely, Mouse-era Guy had great style so I’m guessing this is a generational thing and they’ll be a bunch of shit I haven’t seen.)

Anyway, I know he’s in his 40s, but compared to AVE’s Thrasher cover when he was pushing 40…


Just for starters… The Spike photos were super good too.


Yeah, that’s fair. To be honest, I have a (probably somewhat unreasonable) yardstick of standards based on AVE/Kalis/Reynolds’ output that I hold pros of that age to if they’re in the spotlight.

Re: Thrasher’s covers not being about the hardest trick, if someone asked me “What does a Thrasher cover photo usually look like?” I’d typically think of something super gnarly (and therefore “hard”, I guess).

Appreciate the schooling on Mariano photos. I was hoping someone would dust off him doing a switch crook.


But it’s 100% a Thrasher cover photo. Plenty of Thrasher covers feature no movement whatsoever. Thrasher covers aren’t always about the biggest/highest/longest. This is rad as a cover and it’s a good look for all involved.

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Wasn’t there a Phelps/Guy beef regarding Thrasher mag coverage , or have i confused that with someone else?

Yeah Guy told him something like he didn’t need Thrasher because of his Big Brother affiliation, that’s why he’s never had a cover

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