On / Of

I zipped through Slap at some point, saw that there was a Guy on April thread up (again?). I thought he was already on months ago. I couldn’t be bothered to read it. So when I saw a new post here in the On/Of thread and Spanky says ‘zero fucks given’. I just put two and two together - more of a deduction than a guess, I suppose.

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Shecks of Plan B

That quote is quite funny - it makes him sound like he actually spoke a hashtag.


I wonder if you could get through a whole day only communicating using hashtags? Like search for the hashtag in Twitter or Instagram or whatever before you speak to make sure it exists.

I guess you could largely due to those people who tag everything with actual sentences. You know those people who post a picture of a sandwich and tag it #hungry #eat #sandwich #cheese #and #pickle.

Sorry bit off topic.



Haha damn thanks…slipping.

I didn’t read if it says where he’s gone, but imagine if he continues his renaissance and goes somewhere really legit like Real.

Renaissance?! He’s had a few clips in a Red Bull video a couple of years ago.

He’s doing what is the only move really open to him: milking his dwindling popularity and starting his own brand.

Own (shit) brand. I thought everyone assumed this


When I say renaissance, I mean more that his reputation among skaters in general is improving. He’s mostly shed the “Life of Ryan” stuff and all the trappings of the negativity surrounding his early career and everyone pretty much universally agrees that he absolutely rips and is legit.

I agree “own brand” seems like the way it’s going, but a full “Welcome to Anti Hero” part getting released on Thrasher is a pipe dream I’m going to hold on to.


He’s also been injured for ages. Still rips though. Love watching him kill his spine ramp.

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Yeah I love that stuff as well, he’s had some crazy injuries to recover from if I remember correctly so I think he deserves a break.

Yeah we should #ChangeTheNarrative

Are we even talking about the same skater here?! He has a Red Bull cap sewn into his skull. Yes, his image might have improved after being at an all time low, but he’s hardly ‘your favourite skater’s favourite skater’. He is still a mega corny So-Cal dipshit.

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He’s got good style, does rad stuff. I can overlook the sponsorship and born again Christianity. He’s heading to retirement in a much more dignified way than Koston did, who was also amazing in his day then imploded into social media twatlordness

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Sheckler is 32. At that age, Koston had just put out his Fully Flared part and was nowhere near taking a back seat. Sheckler does the odd impressive mosher drop every now and then but that’s hardly ‘dignified’.

Ok you ‘win’

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Just a tad reductive there.

I’m clearly missing something. Is hosting a Red Bull competition in your own heavily-branded park more dignified? What’s Sheckler done in the last few years which is so good? He’s done one or two individual tricks but I don’t get where this love is coming from.

The shared part in Album was good:

Getting on for four years though.