
JayK is a bellend of the highest order but First album Emergency etc is a belter and some of Space Cowboy too, everything after is rooted in money making pop, lost all of it’s jazzy balls.
Music of the mind is still my bass warmup when I decide to pick it up.
Can totally see why people hate anything they do because of him. Zender was the true heart of that band really.

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You’re a musician though.

The songs have hooks for normies too though :wink:

Think that’s it. Music for musicians or normies. BF isn’t a normie…

I know he isn’t, it was a cheeky dig.
Builda has been very gracious with music to me

@anon90826813 remind me to give you your judgement night soundtrack back next time I see you. :wink:


Check this out if you like Jamiroquai :slight_smile:

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He’s the real slim shady too!
Labi done some good shit.

Ha, that ol classic.

I was expecting new Penny clips but instead I ended up lurking around a Jamiroquai discussion. Not happy.


Do we have to do this again? You want to discuss oasis, make an oasis thread, you want to discuss jamiroquai, make a jamiroquai thread. Why you gotta sully the penny thread?


Jamiroquoi turned up on 411 once, wasn’t too shabby



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High Times :thinking:

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Haha wow. I never appreciated how dangerous that was.

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I’ve been to Cadaques. Salvador Dali’s old house is there too.

Having a Mark Partain clip pop up on my YT had me thinking back to when I had one of his decks and how that was what I was riding when I met a very young, pre Oxford Tom Penny. Here’s the long and probably boring story.

Boxing Day 1989, (it may have been ‘88 I’m not 100% sure):

I was visiting grandparents in Blandford Forum in Dorset and managed to steal away for the afternoon to get a skate in. At an empty Safeway car park I found a long free standing painted curb and a tiny, mongo pushing local kid.

First trick in - boardslide pop over - he’s like, ‘hey how do you do that?’ I showed him and he was on it. He was super enthusiastic, shunting at the curb like there was no tomorrow. I did a few tailslides, bluntslide variations and slappies, and he was all, ‘how do you do that?’ In fact, whatever I did he wanted to be shown how to do it and, after being shown, he’s chucking himself at it until I did something else and then he wanted to know how to do that.

Then he told me I was quite good and he knew someone who had done a bunch of stuff on a bank around the corner and I could probably do it too. With the promise of his town’s ‘best spot’ in mind I followed him around to the bank. It turned out it was about 50 degrees, and long and had a tall curb on top. A bitch to skate. The stuff he said that had gone down on it was all pure fantasy. I think I managed a blunt pivot on it but that was about your lot. He seemed a bit disappointed until on the ride away I did a wallride on a wall that ran along the side and he was straight back to his, ‘show me how to do that!’ thing again. So I did. He had a couple of goes, then we had a chat about where was good for skating, (I told him Bournemouth and Poole were fairly close to Blandford and were pretty good). The light was fading and I had to get back so I left him throwing himself in to a wall. ‘My name’s Tom’ he yelled after me. See you later Tom.

A couple of months later I was skating Poole train station area. There was an undercover set of transitioned banks and a bank to wall. The same little kid, looking like a plucked sparrow, was manically hacking about. Hey Tom! In the few months since I had last seen him he had got so much better. He was pushing like a loon, (still mongo), and pulling early grab japans over the little hip. I heard someone say, ‘when that kid gets bigger he’s gonna be good’. We had a skate about for a few hours and said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Another couple of months on at the same spot. He’s now way better than his little group of mates despite being half their size. Smashing out backside wallrides on the bank to wall. This sesh he got me to teach him 43s and got them down by the time I was off home.

I didn’t see him again in Dorset but bumped in to his mates who said that he’d moved to Oxford. Fast forward some time and an issue of Rad comes out with photos of a kid who looks the same, who is also called Tom but, to my confusion, is doing crazy shit on mini ramp. I thought it can’t be. I mean he’s got so good in such a short time, it just can’t be. Well, it was and he was on his way to becoming one of the GOATs of street skating.

That’s my obligatory, (everyone has one), Tom Penny story.

TLDR: Tom was always going to be good. He lived in Blandford Forum before Oxford. I taught him no complys :slightly_smiling_face: