
I love dollin, watching him is like being on a white knuckle ride


My googling suggests I’m correct. :man_shrugging:t3:

Feel like he and Cates also stuck in my mind for wearing them.


Busenitz in whatever Real video he was in before DVS too

Wow. I think that if you get ‘turned off’ someone based on their public persona or documented substance abuse issues then maybe you need to check yourself. You won’t be getting the full story and you can’t judge anyone based on what you’re told unless you know them personally.

I don’t judge him (Dollin) for it, and I think he’s rad, but watching his party footage or seeing him goofing around smashed is a bit off putting. In a sad way, not an “eww gross” way. Would just rather not see it. Same way I’d rather not see any pissed up antics from anyone when I go about my day.

Don’t like party footage in general and I hate the whole baker stoner thing.

Just a little judgemental there.

Adding jazzy lifestyle footage to clips and videos just proves you don’t have enough footage. And if its including smoking weed or fighting or hassling homeless people to support your brand identity then your brand identity is shit.

You can appreciate Penny or Dollin from BITD and feel sad that he’s having a hard time/not at that level any more and not want to see footage of him incoherent/wasted, all of those things can coexist

Not aimed at you but these two skaters we are talking about here are now in their 40s.
What the fuck do you guys want?
A lot of us started posting here mid-2000s. You gonna be here in another 20 years complaining that ‘Penny really isn’t what he was, aged 66’?

For some bands, one album is enough to keep them going forever. I’m sure we can name 'em all.
For some skaters, one era of ripping is enough.
I just want to see these guys skate and bring the good vibes.
Penny could front nose a ledge and I’d be happy.

Maybe alcoholism is a disease and not just something ‘stupid’ people do?
Holding back here, but that comment isn’t right.


Penny is skating better than he has done in a good few years in my opinion, less sure about Dollin but I can’t really remember the most recent footage I’ve seen of him.

When Penny was skating predominately in Skytop’s and not looking as healthy as now (from what I could make out anyway) I stopped wanting to even see footage of him.

The bar is considerably higher than it once was for skaters in their 40s now which probably doesn’t help when any of these guys aren’t able to skate to the best their ability.

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Same. And in the 90s. And the 2010s. And the 2020s.
He struggles. I don’t think there is any evidence whatsoever saying that this has turned many off.
Also, it has never been suggested that he disappeared in vagueness. It was quite clearly stated that he wasn’t into the US and that way of working. From my understanding, this is also why Andy Scott left America too.
Another way in which Dollin is different.

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I found Dustin Dollin’s recent part in Baker 4 very emotional. Largely due to the excellent song choice (“The Comeback” by Alex Cameron) and edit which put his footage in context as an ageing pro who’s been through the wars (both in terms of “antics” and skate injuries).


Agree with all this. I said similar about PJ. Its probably worse for exceptional skaters because the fall from their pinnacle is going to be further and people will hold them to a higher standard. “He’s only skating a 10 stair rail now, he was doing 20s in 99”


Kirchart made a good decision retiring because I guess he didn’t want to be remembered for low impact stuff.

Reynolds a different gravy for lower impact skating though, he’ll probably be amazing at skating curb cuts and ledges until he’s 60.


I don’t think it’s unfair to look at certain skaters and think ‘what if they didn’t have substance abuse or alcohol issues’. Both from a selfish pov that you want your favourite skaters to always be at the level they once where, but also from a pov that you wish them the best in life.

Penny, Dollin, guys like Gino, Antwuan etc all have or had issues to various degrees, it’s all documented, we all know. And those issues have affected their career or ability in some way or another. Undoubtably Dollin could have had a longer career at the top of he’d taken the Reynolds route, but he didn’t. If he’s got no regrets though, then fair enough.

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How many knees is Dollin on now? It was 8 or something crazy about 10 years ago so god knows how many hes up to now

Little bit of ‘unseen’ Penny footage here on Dykey’s first video.


ahhh the Denis Waterman jacket and novel in back pocket era


And skating to Ween, brilliant.


Is there anything in skateboarding with worse graphics than idabble?

That was a cool clip though. Interesting about the ‘sheffey flip’, I always just thought he never popped the switch flip

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